Hello, again?

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Chapter Two


"Kelcie. Kelcie"

I heard my mother call my name but I couldn't tear my gaze away from this man who was standing in front of me, taking my cognitive ability from me.

I was at a loss for words. This never happens to me. I couldn't get my vocal cords to work. They were quickly failing me. He smile was so, so. Think Kelcie—what was his smile? Think. Think. Beautiful. Aha! That's it, that's what I'm thinking. His smile is beautiful. He's beautiful.

"Thank you. So are you?".

I watched him confused, what is he talking about?

"Kelcie. Sweetie. Your thoughts are speaking out loud again".

My mother announced and at that moment I truly I wished that a sink hole would take me away. I was completely embarrassed. I'm sure if my skin wasn't as dark as it was, I would've brighten up like a Po from the Teletubbies.
Aw the Teletubbies—that was a great show.

I heard the giggles coming from Karsyn and Briana.

"What?". I said and then I gasped. I found my voice. Whew, thank you Lord. Based on the goofy grins on everyone's face, I knew that they heard my Teletubbies reference. I squinted my eyes and touched my forehead. I needed to get out of here before I spoke anything else and embarrassed my self even more. I turned to face Karsyn.

"Karsyn. May I please check this album out before I embarrass myself even more".

"Sure thing Kelc". She waved me to the register.

"Excuse me, please".

I moved through the small group of people and went to the register. I pulled my card out and paid for the album, then moved outside to wait for my mother.
The car ride back to Grandma Jadie's was a quiet one until my mama decided to talk, which I wish she hadn't.

"Kelcie, it was not that bad". She said glancing at me.

I scoffed. "Yeah, right. I stood there gaping like a fool. I gave a whole Teletubbies reference. He probably thought I was weird or something. I can't believe I did that". I sank further into the passenger seat.

"You're being very dramatic. Also, I'm very sure there are women who have done way worse".

We both turned our noses up in disgust at the thought. Some women have no shame whatsoever, so I would have to agree with that. My situation was the least worrisome.

"And it's not like you will ever see him again".

I sure hope not.

"So cheer up buttercup. You've got your Coltrane Album, all was not lost". She reminded me. I smiled at her, she was very right at that.

"You're right mama".

"Oh, I know". She smiled her white teeth showing and I couldn't help but to smile back.

"Grandma Jadie. We are here!"I announced." Jadie Sade, were you at?". I felt a tinge of pain in my butt

"Ouch". I grabbed my left butt cheek."What was that for?" I feigned surprise

"You know what it was for. You better quit calling me Jadie Sade, little girl". Grandma Jadie "warned" me. I gave her my famous smirk and patted her back
" You love it".

I was about to hop on the counter and she gave me a look and I didn't think twice about putting my "dirty butt" on the counter. I listened as my mother brought Grandma Jadie up to speed about the latest events of all things Kelcie MCCoy. After having her a nice little laugh at my expense, she gifted her unwanted advice.

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