A Christmas Mishap?

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Authors Note: I'm sorry if this seems all over the place. I'm coming off a week of Finals, so my brain is sorta mush.🥴 feel free to let me know what you think!
Have a great rest of your week!🤍🤍

Chapter Nine

"I'll wait for the dayyyyy" Kelcie sang dragging the words out, while she drove her car to work. She swayed her body side to side to the sound of Mint Condition playing on the radio. Thanksgiving break was over and it was back to her normal routine, at least for the next three weeks. She was more than ready to get through them, so she could return back to Georgia. She smiled as she thought about her and Take, and the time the two of them spent together at the local fair. Her smile grew wider at the memory of them both equally being scare to get on that huge Ferris wheel, because something about things not being rooted and so easily being taken apart, didn't sit right with them.

"You sure you want to get on, because we don't have to". Kelcie asked him nervously eyeing the huge machine that wobbled any time a strong gust of wind came through.

"I'm a Gangsta. I got this, let's do it".

She grinned at him, "Alright Mr.Gangsta, we'll see about that". 

Nevertheless they both faced their fears not wanting to appear cowardly and got on. Kelcie had a great time riding rides and eating. She was sure that she gained a couple of pounds by the end of the night, from all the good greasy food. She laughed to herself thinking of how so early on Take found out she had a quite a competitive side, which he found amusing and teased her playfully when she lost a game of shoot the ducks. She still thinks that the game was rigged, there was just no way. The big grey elephant he won for her made up for it. It was a nice ending of their first two dates. He even walked her to her door step and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. The two of them had admitted that things got out of hand a little too fast the previous night and had discussed on their way to the fair that they should slow things down, and just take the time get to know one another better.

As Kelcie parked her car, she grabbed her belongings and headed for the school. Her phone vibrated in hand alerting her that she had a text message.

Take: Good Morning Beautiful. I hope that you have an amazing day! Don't work too hard.

She quickly replied, thanking him and tucked her phone into her purse.

"Good Morning!" she said to Amanda the main office clerk. Amanda returned her greeting with a smile.

"How was your break?". Amanda asked

"Mine was good. How about yours?".

"Not long enough and then it's time for testing too..Ugh, I'm not ready for this". She said sighing.

Kelcie felt that, but if anybody would be stressed about that. It would be teachers and students. Office admin got lucky in that department.

"Well, look on the bright side. We only have three more weeks, and then we are off for three". Kelcie shrugged, Amanda rolled her eyes and said that even that wasn't long enough.

Kelcie laughed at Amanda antics, "Girl. You are something else. Hang in there, you'll be alright".

"Um hum". Amanda replied.

Kelcie walked down the hall, stopping at the cafeteria for a blueberry muffin before heading upstairs to her room. She straightened her classroom up, and returning furniture where she had them before the break. By the time she sat down, she had twenty minutes to herself before the first bell would ring, notifying the students that they had ten minutes left to do whatever the pleased before things got down to business. She could hear voices of the students from neighboring classes, who most likely going over student club work or having a before school tutoring session, Hardly ever did anyone come to her class before the first bell. She was grateful for that. Her phone vibrated and Takes number popped up on the screen. She slide the phone to the right accepting the FaceTime call.

A Takeoff love storyWhere stories live. Discover now