Happy Holidays!

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Authors note: I hope that everyone has been blessed this thanksgiving!🤍

Chapter Seven

The following Saturday was just a chill day for Kelcie. She didn't have much to do but go to the grocery store. That's where she found herself at now— Standing in produce. She always came to the store early to avoid the crowd.

"Good Morning Kelcie".

Kelcie looked up to see a bright eyed Melissa Castro. She was another early morning shopper.The two of them bonded over their hate for crowded stores. The two women stood in front of the carrots briefly conversing with one another about what they been up to, since Kelcie's been back.
"Well, let me hurry up here and get back home before my kids drive my husband crazy". No sooner as the words left her lips, her phone began ringing.

"See". She held the phone up. "I'll catch you later girl". She gave Kelcie a quick hug and continued on her way.

Gathering the items that she needed to restock her house with, she placed in the small plastic bags and put them in the cart. She went to the register and paid for her stuff.

Walking to her car, she ran into another fellow early shopper.

"Kelcie, hi sweetie. Beautiful day today isn't?"

"Yes Mrs. Covers, it is. Have a good one".

The day was beautiful—The sun was shining, The sky was bright and blue with wispy clouds scattered about. There was also a slight breeze in the air which she was grateful for . Kelcie pushed her hair out of her face and leaned against her car with a big smile as she read the message on her phone. Takeoff had kept his word and did in fact message her at a more appropriate hour. It was a simple message that he sent at seven o clock on the dot.

Yrntakeoff: I hope the time suits you better. I hope that you a good day beautiful.💙

NoelleB94: Lol, it does and I hope that you have a great one too Takeoff.❤️

Kelcie placed her groceries in the trunk of the car, hopped in the drivers seat and headed back to her house.


Kelcie woke up to her alarm blaring. She blindly felt for her phone in her bed and peeked at the alarm. She locked at the huge clock on the wall adjacent to her bed, it read 5:45 pm. She snoozed the alarm, groaned and rolled back over, pulling the covers over her head.

Eight minutes later, then alarm blared again. She smacked her lips and got out of the bed. If she wanted to make it to camp, then she needed to leave now. Changing into her workout clothes, she grabbed her gym bag and headed to Scotland elementary school where the outdoor workout program Camp Gladiator was being held. The workouts that their trainer Trevor gave them could be treacherous but well worth it. Today's workout was equivalent to climbing Mt. Everest. It was Kelcie's least favorite workout, because she felt it everywhere.

"Let's go y'all. Keep that momentum,you got this". Trevor shouted while jogging along side them. Each group had five teammates and all teammates were running the school bus lane while passing 15 lbs sandbags off to each other. Which didn't seem that hard, but having to run with it would definitely have your muscles aching.

"Oh my gosh, Trevor you're trying to kill us". Kelcie heard someone call out. If she wasn't almost out of breathe she would've laughed but thought better of it. Every breathe that she could savor, she would. If those sandbags weren't bad, they all had to go back to their mats to do bear crawls, Johnny c's and chest press with dumbbells.

Later that evening, Kelcie was walking stiff to the door. "Ow. Ow," she said with each step.  She wanted a hot bathe, but knew if she sat down that she wouldn't be able to get back up. She grabbed two pickles from the kitchen, eating them as she made it to shower.

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