Not the way it seems...

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Authors Note: I fixed all the ugly typos.(the amount was ridiculous) Sorry about that friends. I'll do better next time. Also, I would suggest starting over.
Anyways, Thanks for reading, voting and commenting.

Kelcie's POV

"Never too much, baby you give good love" I belted out, using my wooden spoon as my microphone, serenading no one but myself.

"Damn, baby, I see you, hitting that note".

Okay—maybe an audience of one.

I laughed and kissed his cheek.

I thought I did a good job singing to him. However, when All I do by Troop came on this man definitely had me beat. Take hit his little spin and walked over so smoothly to me. It was so damn hot.

"Yes baby" I encouraged him, he pulled me to him, swaying our bodies from side to side, while he sang the words into my ears. He kissed down my neck as I continue to cutting up some chicken breast.

"What are you cooking baby?".

"I'm trying this chicken pasta casserole recipe that Jadie sent over to me.

"Make sure you follow the exact recipe this time".

I gave him the "really" look. I mean sure my cooking skills were not up to par and my small attempt at making meals last week were a complete disappointment and had us ordering out every night, but today I was determined to make a meal that wouldn't have my man look like he was two seconds from gagging.

"Don't be a mood killer babe, and you should be thankful that I'm trying, you haven't gone with out a meal".

"Yes, I have, that's why we've been eating Grady's just about every night".

I rolled my eyes "Stop while you're ahead.......".

"Would you rather I lie to you?". He shrugged

"Would you rather not eat?" I replied smartly to him, putting my hand on my hip

"I could". He said matter of factly

"Bye Take".

I finished cutting up the chicken and  spread it out in the pan over the noodles, followed by a mixture of cheese and spinach. I had turn the oven on while I was prepping the chicken, all that was left was to let it cook. I closed the oven door, the heat warming my face. I started sweeping up the last bit of mess on the floor that I made—I was the type to clean as I go. It made things easier and it was something Take teased me about.

"Why can't you just clean everything up at the end?" He asked me just as he did one day last year when I cooked for him.

"I've already told you, that it's better for me that way, I hate having to do anything other than relax after I eat".

"That explains the paper plates". I closed the seasoning and nodding my head in response to him.

"Yep, no more dishes..if it were possible for paper pots, I'm sure I would use that too". I draped the dish towel across the sink and took a sip of my water.

"You're the only person that I know who still hand washes dishes, you have a perfectly good washer, why don't you use it".

"I do!" I exclaimed ,"Dishes to me, just aren't clean if I don't hand wash them first"

He started laughing "I remember that time I threw that plate in your "clean dish water", if looks could kill, man....".

I huffed remembering that instantly, I really could've hurt him "Because, why would anyone put dirty plates or utensils into clean water, that doesn't make sense. Now, you're just washing every dish in dirty dish water now and that's nasty as hell to me".

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