Bonus chapter:The Wedding.

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Bonus chapter:The Wedding.

The calming sound of spa music flowed out from the speaker of her phone. Kelcie gently lifted her sleep mask over her eyes and smiled.

"It's my wedding day" she whispered.

She laid her back down on the pillow looking at the ceiling. "It's my wedding day" she said again, she reached for her phone on the white night stand and checked the date. It was in fact her wedding day. She felt all giddy inside. She pushed the covers back and slipping her feet into her soft slippers. She walked acrossed the room into the bathroom.

Flipping on the light switch, she stared at herself in the mirror before turning on the water. She stepped in and began washing her body.

"Next we exfoliate" she got her her loofah and scrubbed her skin, applying a vanilla scent to her body.

Once she was finished in the shower, she stood at the vanity and did her skin care routine, she needed to extra steps today, since her face would be the canvas of Kevonna's outstanding art work. She leaned forward checking her face.

"This will work" She studied her reflection in the mirror and got giddy "It's my wedding day" she clapped her hands together and sighed. "This is getting more real".

A knocked sounded through the room followed by the bedroom door opening. In walked Becca-She was Take and Kelcie's wedding planner and also a really great friend of Samantha's.

"Good morning beautiful. Happy wedding day"

Kelcie reached out to give her a hug "Thank you Beck"  she handed Kelcie a cup of tea with a small plate of omelets and sausage links.

"Nervous yet?" Becca asked her with a smirk

"Nope, I'm good"

She nodded her head  "I know that you that said that you didn't want to eat anything but the last thing we need is the bride passing out on her big day".

Kelcie nodded in agreement. She finished her breakfast and sat the empty dishes on her cart next to the bed.

Nine hours until the wedding. Nine hours until she says "I do" promising herself forever to her very best friend in the most sacred way.

She rolled her engagement ring around and smiled contently. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand. Her heart melted at the screen saver picture of her and Take at their engagement shoot. She slid her screen up and found his contact :Fiancé 😍🙏🏾🩵

Kelcie clicked on it and put it on speaker as it rang.

"Baby" his deep voice penetrated the stillness of her atmosphere.

"Hi" she breathed out.

Neither of them said anything for a moment, until Take decided to tease her

"Not having second thoughts are you? You wouldn't leave a brother hanging like that now would you?".

Kelcie bit her lip "Nope. never".

"You sure? You still have time". She could hear the smile in his voice.

"You're stuck with me forever Mr. Ball".

"Like glue Mrs. Ball".

"Only nine hours..." Kelcie reminded him

"Only nine hours". He repeated "I can't wait to see you baby girl".

"Me either".

"You good?"

"Um hum. I just wanted to hear your voice" Kelcie's mom poked her head in the room motioning for her to wrap it up".

"I know that you're aren't speaking to the groom"

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