Chapter 2

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A few hours have passed, and everyone has moved to their new homes. "Ugh, this is trash." Elia says with an annoyed tone. "Hey, let me help you with that." Ethan says while helping Zack with his things. While he helps him, he accidentally drops one of his boxes and photos fall out of it. Ashley comes over and picks up one of the photos. "What is this? "Mommy's Good Girl" Zack, what is this?" She asks him. Zack quickly panics and snatches the photo outta her hand. "Oh what's this one? "My Neighbor Is A Milf" Umm, are these adults f-" Zack interrupts her and says. "These aren't mine, they are my sister's." Ashley looks at him confused. "Umm, okay?" But she also says something quietly to herself. "She does have pretty nice tastes." But, Trisha hears her and looks at her confused. "Umm, not that I am into that, I-I just, nevermind." Ashley walks away awkwardly while everyone else continues to go to their apartments to unpack. Then, Elia's sister goes to her siblings and asks. "H-hey, can you bring my things to my room, I don't feel very well." All of the siblings look at her confused. "Stop being lazy sis!" Gaby tells her. But Kelly looks at them and changes her mind. "Nevermind, I can do it myself." Elia starts to get worried and tells her. "No no, I'll help you." She grabs her things and brings them to her room. "T-thanks." She tells her. "You're welcome, but tell me what's wrong." Kelly starts to look nervous, but finally tells her the truth. "So, you know how a few months back I had an anniversary with Chino?" She asks her while Elia replies. "Oh, yeah. Wait, did you two break-" Kelly quickly interrupts her and corrects her. "No no no, not that." She tells her while Elia has a relieved look on her face. "Look, after our anniversary. I found out I was... P-pregnant." When Kelly gives her the news, Elia looks very shocked and quickly screams for joy. "Oh my god! I'll have another nephew!" She yells while jumping for joy until Evan walks in. "What are you so ecstatic about?" He asks her. "Oh you won't believe it but Kelly's having-" Kelly quickly covers her mouth while telling Evan. "Oh n-nothing!" Evan looks at her and rolls his eyes while saying. "Whatever." And walks outta the room and closes the door. "Hmph, why don't you want Evan to know?" Elia asks her. "It's just, he doesn't really like being around children, and I've seen his and Amany's relationship and he always looks annoyed around him." Elia looks at her and comforts her. "Don't worry about it, he's just being, well. "Evan" So that doesn't mean he will hate it." The two sisters smile at each other and hug. "Hey, can I tell Miles?" She asks while Kelly looks at her and says. "Of course, you can tell him anything." Elia smiles while thanking her with a hug and walks outta the room and sees Amany and Evan being next to each other. "Hey Amany, how's your uncle treating you?" She says while giving him baby talk. "Please stop!" Evan tells her while annoyed. "Oh, don't be so mean, Amany doesn't like that, isn't that right?" She asks her nephew while Evan puts his hand over his face saying. "End me." Elia and Amany continue to play until Evan steps in and asks his nephew. "Hey, do you want any food?" His nephew turns around and responds. "I want pizza!" Elia looks at him and says. "You got great taste!" Evan doesn't look amused and tells them. "No, something that isn't a failure of a dish." Amany gets annoyed to the point that he walks towards Evan and nudges him. "Oww, why did you nudge me?" Evan asks with an annoyed tone. "Uncle Evan gets a massive L!" Amany tells him while Elia laughs. "You can give me all the L's you want!" Evan tells him while making his voice more raspy than usual. But his threat scares Amany and makes him cry. "Oh great, look what you did Evan!" Elia tells him while being very upset. "Ugh, shut up!" Evan tells her while walking away from his room. As he leaves, he notices his friends outside waiting for him. When he walks out, he sees Alicia and everyone else. "Oh, hey." He greets everyone. "Oh hey bro, you missed it, Alicia lied about being gay which triggers me!" Eliza says while Alicia looks away blushing. "Ehe, umm." While she looks away, Shadow goes near Eliza and pats him on the head. "So cute!" He teases him. "Is there a reason why you're here?" Evan asks them. "Oh, there is a reason." Shadow tells him. "Then, what is it?" He asks them once again. "Well, some mysterious things have been happening recently." Shadow tells him. Evan looks at him and says. "Well, isn't that normal nowadays?" Eliza steps in and says. "Yeah but this one is special, this thing is your sister's reason for fighting." Evan raises his eyebrow, curious over Eliza's response. "Interesting." Evan says, until he notices that Alicia seems to be holding her arm. "Are you alright?" Evan asks her. "Huh, y-yes I am." Evan doesn't buy it and grabs her arm and sees a bruise on it. "What happened?" Evan asks her. "N-nothing." She tells him. "Yeah, I heard that response all the time." He tells her. Now on edge, she leaves and goes to her house and Evan starts to feel guilty over what he did. "Ugh, I always make things worse." He tells himself. "Don't worry, she's just dealing with somethings in her personal life, it's not about you." Shadow tells him while comforting him. "I hope." He says while he gets back up and goes with Shadow and Eliza.

T.L.O.A.Y.2 Season 7Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant