Chapter 9

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After a ton of battles, Elia finally arrives at her house to see all her friends along with the other members of Team Edge. "What happened?" She asks everyone, but Ethan, Zack, Ashley, Trisha, and Macie seem to be concerned and worried for her. "What is it?" She asks when she notices them looking a bit off. "Hey, look at Evan's injury." Macie somberly says while Ethan fills in her sentence. "I don't think you will like this." Elia looks both confused and concerned, and she slowly gets closer to see Evan's injury, and once she sees it, all hell breaks loose! "No, I can't believe it!" She says while grinding her teeth with rage. "What is it, love you look upset." Miles asks her which she does respond to him. "Remember when I had that nightmare?" She asks him. "Oh, y-yeah why?" He asks with a troubled look on his face. But slowly, Miles remembers what happened in her nightmare. "Wait, is HE back?" He asks her, but Elia slowly turns around and nods with anger. "Pfft, he's probably a weak and pathetic villain, this will be a cake walk!" Owen insults, but Elia gets upset over his response. "He is NOT just some villain who just wants to destroy the world, he just wants to make me suffer for eternity!" She says somberly, while Miles tries to comfort her. "H-hey, calm down." While he tries to comfort her, Elia's family walks into the living room and are confused. "What is going on?" Her sister asks. "Hey Kelly, umm you probably don't want to know what is happening." Ethan tells her, but she isn't intimidated by him. "Try me!" Everyone else in the room looks at each other awkwardly until Kelly notices Evan's injury. "E-Evan, are you okay?" Evan somberly nods his head and goes to his room while Alicia follows him. "Elia, what happened?" She asks her, but she also notices Elia being more upset and quiet than usual. "Elia, what's wrong?" She asks once again. "None of your concern!" Everyone gets pale when they hear her response. "S-sorry, I'm just very stressed at the moment." She apologizes, while Kelly understands her problem. "I know, but please let me know!" She begs, but Elia tells her. "I-I know you really want to know, b-but I don't want to because you might also get stressed out and it will not be healthy for the new member." Everyone in the room gets quiet and is confused. "New member? What do you mean by that?" Ashley asks. Now pressured, Kelly finally tells everyone the news. "What she means is... I'm pregnant!" Everyone's mouth drops and they all celebrate for the new member of Elia' family. "Another one, jeez you need to calm down in the bedroom-" Elia punches Zack on his shoulder for the inappropriate comment of his. "Ow, what the heck?" He says while very annoyed. "Hey, Alicia and Evan aren't here, we should tell-" "No!" Kelly interrupts Shadow and tells him. "I don't want anyone to tell Evan, because I'm afraid he might hate it." Eliza slowly walks towards her and says. "Hey, I know he may be a bit more serious than everyone else, but we've been with him long enough and he really does have a heart." Shadow goes next to Eliza and puts his arm around his shoulder. "Yeah, when I found out I had a crush on Eliza, he was the first person I told and he helped me through my insecurities." Kelly looks at the two confused. "Wait, you two are-" The couple quickly interrupts her and says. "Yes, we are together." While they kiss on each other's cheeks. Kelly smirks at the two while Gaby walks towards them and says. "Oh and don't worry, she's not like those parents who think that stuff like your relationship gets pushed onto kids." While everyone else talks, Elia's mother walks in with a very upset look on her face. "Hey mom, why do you look so upset?" Elia asks her. "I'm sorry, but I have bad news for you!" Her mom slowly looks at Miles with rage. "H-hey, what is it?" Kelly asks her, why is she so upset at him?

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