Chapter 11

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Flash forward, Elia's mom is kicking Miles outta their house. "I made you live here, I trusted you, and you kept something so evil from us!" Elia is very confused and asks her. "Why are you so angry at him?" Her mom looks at her and says. "Well turns out that this monster is a demon!" Elia's face turns from confused to anger. "What? I know he's a demon, but he has a heart unlike most demons-" Her mother yells at her saying. "I don't want to hear it!" The noise catches Evan and Alicia's attention. "What is going on?" He asks. "Hey sweetie, your sister's boyfriend is nothing more than a ugly force of nature!" The arguing makes all of Elia's friends uncomfortable and leave. "What do you mean?" Evan asks her. "He's a demon!" She yells out. "Well, Shadow and Eliza are demons as well." Shadow and Eliza look at each other awkwardly until her mother tells them to leave as well, which gets both Elia and Evan upset. "Not all demons are heartless beasts, some feel, love, care, and do things similar to us. Like Shadow and Eliza, they have a great relationship, and don't get me started with Elia and Miles, they are beyond perfect for each other!" Kelly tells her. The speech makes her think, but still decides with her decision. Elia gets so upset at her that she snaps and yells at her. "I can't believe it, you are just like Dad! I shouldn't have trusted you, I understand why I wasn't so nice to you before!" The insult makes her mom extremely upset and cries out loud all the way to her room. The room is now filled with silence while Alicia tries to comfort Evan. "Not again." Elia whispers to herself from getting reminded of all the horrible things she used to do to her. Beta goes back into the garage along with Razor who wines with his ears down. Her siblings all go to they're rooms and the only people left in the living room are Elia and Miles. "I-I'm sorry..." She somberly tells him. "I know you may not like this, but it's your mother's decision. I don't want to make her more upset at the both of us." Elia slowly walks away until she hears Miles say something that makes her soul shatter. "M-maybe, w-we should break up..." This sentence makes Elia tear up and beg for him not to leave. "No, no please, you don't know how much I need you!" Miles starts to tear up along with her and says. "I need you too! But if she doesn't want me to be with you, I can't change that." She continues to plead for him until he leaves her house and disappears once she reopened the door. "H-he's gone... My love!" She starts to scream out loud with tears gushing from her eyes and pounding on the ground! The stress, anger, sadness, and loss of love makes her feel light, and noticing this she goes back into her house and slams the door close when entering her room. "I hate you!" She yells out loud while everyone else in the house hears her. She calms down for a second and lays on her bed whispering. "I know this isn't your fault, love! I promise you, I'll never forget you!" She falls asleep from loss of energy while her mother cries, still hurt from her insults and from her saying that she hates her. Evan is upset, but not at a level of Elia's anger, even though he really cares for Shadow and Eliza, he wouldn't be that upset over something like that. "Hey, I'm gonna go home." Alicia tells him, but Evan is still worried that her father will mistreat her. "Stay with me for today." He asks her. "But, I need to-" He stops her and grabs her shoulder. "I don't want you to get hurt over there." Alicia finally agrees and sleeps next to Evan while hugging him. "I-I told you, I-I don't like hugging." He stutters while Alicia gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Hehe, shut up." She says nicely while Evan is still stunned from her kiss. "O-okay?" He says awkwardly while trying to hide the fact that his face is bright red. She teases him a little more until they fall asleep.

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