Chapter 6

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Meanwhile, Miles is walking around and observing the area. "Hmm, where is it?" He continues to look around and sees a gate. "There you are." He continues to get closer to the gate, until a bunch of demons lash out at him, but two entities come and defeat them. "Ah, easy as pie!" Eliza says while Shadow lands behind him and greets Miles. "Sup, what are you doing here?" Shadows asks him while Miles tells him. "Nothing much." Eliza then starts to hug Shadow and the two continue to flirt. "You both need to get a room." Miles tells them while the couple looks at him and says. "Sez you." Miles rolls his eyes and continues to walk towards the gate. "That's it? You're leaving now?" Shadow tells him while Miles ignores him and continues walking to the gate. "I think he still doesn't like you because you two used to be enemies." Eliza tells him. But while the couple continues to flirt, Miles gets close to the gate until a giant entity lands in front of the gates and yells. "Leave at once, only kings of the underworld can go through these gates!" The entity turns out to be a Cerberus and one of the other heads yells at him saying. "You shall not pass!" Miles (not intimidated) decides to taunt the three headed beast. "Oh easy there little fella, hey I knew a little pooch just like you." He refers to another Cerberus he fought when he was younger. "You dare taunt me? Foul scented creature!" The Cerberus then spits out a fireball which Miles quickly dodges. "You may have fought our kin in the past, but I am king of the Cerberus pack!" Miles steps back and flourishes his sword and taunts even more. "So, you're the strongest in the litter, looks like we're gonna need a bigger leash, come on!" The Cerberus starts to shoot fire while Miles dodges and charges up his shotgun and blasts one of the heads clean off. "I'll electrify you to death!" The Cerberus then changes its power from fire to electricity. "Cool trick, hey if you were in a dog show, you'd definitely take first place." Miles taunts the dog even more which gets it more upset to the point that it sends a bunch of lightning bolts in his way. "Easy there fido!" He says while lashing his sword at the other Cerberus' head and cuts it clean off. "I'll freeze your flesh!" The Cerberus roars, but Miles throws his hat onto the remaining Cerberus head and uses his motorcycle chainsaw and rips the remaining head to pieces. "What you lack, is this!" He poses in victory while he grabs his hat from the air and puts it back on his head and starts to dance in victory while Eliza claps in the distance. "Good job." He compliments him, but Shadow seems a bit jealous about Eliza. "Pfft, that was nothing, I can do better!" Shadow taunts while Miles just ignores him and opens a portal back to the human world. "Ugh, I can't believe that guy." Shadow pouts while Eliza tries to comfort him. "Hey, it's okay, even if you didn't defeat Cerberus, I still think you're better than him." He then walks past him and kisses him on the cheek.

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