Chapter 5

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Dawn arrives, and Evan and Alicia are still sleeping next to each other since they were up very late, but while they continue sleeping, Elia slowly wakes up and the first thing she always does when waking up is greeting her most beloved. "Good morning, my shining star." Though when she whispers in his ear, he doesn't budge and looks to be in deep sleep. "Umm, hello?" She whispers even more until she pouts, but she enjoys laying down next to him so it's not really a problem to her. "Heh, you're lucky I love sleeping with you so much." As she lays back down, her stomach starts to growl, so she goes to get some snacks from the kitchen, but notices that Evan's door is open. "Hmm, that's odd." She tells herself because he usually keeps his door closed. When she gets closer to the room, she sees both Evan and Alicia sleeping in the same bed next to each other. Elia gasps but tries not to screech for joy so she won't wake everyone up. "You go bro!" She whispers, but Evan hears her whisper and slowly wakes up. "W-what are you doing in my room?" He asks her while trying not to wake up Alicia. "Nothing, I just wanted to check on you and your girlfriend!" Evan gets annoyed at her for calling Alicia his girlfriend. "She is NOT my girlfriend, I'm just helping her." Elia still has her smug look and continues to tease him. "Oh, what should I call you two, Evalia? Or Alivan?" Evan gets more annoyed and pushes Elia outta his room and locks the door. "There, now she won't bother me anymore." As he goes back to his bed, he notices that Alicia is muttering stuff that's happening in her dreams. "I-I love you." Evan shrugs it off and thinks that she is talking about her mom. He continues to lay back down and goes back to sleep. But while he sleeps, Elia lay's on Miles' chest which gets Miles to be half asleep. "Aww, you're so sleepy." She teases him while kissing him. "Hmm, you're so clingy today." Miles yawns which Elia pouts for a second. "Hmph, I'm not being clingy." She continues to cuddle him, until Razor steps in and barks at them. "What is it?" She asks while Razor tries to take Miles outta the bed while growling at him. "Hmph, stop it!" Elia pouts while trying to stop Razor. All of the commotion caused Evan to wake back up very annoyed. "Can you two just be quiet?" Elia looks at him upset while Miles falls back to sleep. "Why can't you be with your girlfriend?" Elia teases which makes Evan get more annoyed. "For the last time, we are NOT together!" The two siblings continue to bicker while Alicia walks in the room. "What are you two arguing about?" The two siblings look at each other while Elia smirks and teases the two. "Oh, nothing really, I was just arguing with your boyfriend." Alicia blushes and pouts at him. "Shut up Elia!" Evan whispers to her while Miles gets back up and tells everyone that he's gonna change. "Wait, you're gonna change?" Elia asks. "Does that mean you're gonna leave?" Elia looks down with a sad look in her eyes. "Hey, don't worry." Miles tries to comfort her. "Jeez, you always want so much attention from him." Evan says while Alicia walks next to him and says. "Well, that means they have a great relationship." Evan looks at her and agrees while they leave the room so that Miles can go change. After he changes, he walks outta the room and kisses Elia on the cheek and opens a portal to the underworld to go and slay some demons. While he enters the portal, 30131 watches in the distance and learns new things about Miles. "This boy is full of surprises." He says while someone shows up behind him. "Why can't we just start the invasion now?" The person who asked turned out to be Alexa. "Patience, If we are going to take over and she does come to save the day, we need something that can mentally ruin her!" Alexa looks at him very confused. "Umm, isn't that a bit extreme?" She asks while 30131 turns around and intimidates her. "You are concerned for her, I never knew this about you." Alexa panics and forgets about what she said and walks away along with 30131 and continues to work on their plan.

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