Chapter 10

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A few hours earlier, Elia's mom is walking in a field of flowers and singing to herself, until a red mist kills all of the flowers and 30131 shows up and startles her. "W-what are you doing here? I thought Elia took care of-" 30131 Laughs and said to her. "Oh please, that little injury? I was just hiding to get the perfect time to attack!" He laughs menacingly until Elia's mom asks him. "W-what do you want?" He turns around and replies. "Oh, I'm not here to hurt you." Elia's mother once again looks very concerned and confused, until he says. "So, you know that boy, Miles?" He asks her. "Y-yes, I do know him. He is my daughter's boyfriend. At first I was hesitant about him because of past relationships, but he's made her the happiest I've seen in a long time!" 30131 looks at her with a smirk, but tells her something no one has told her yet. "You do know that he's a demon?" Her face filled with shock and confusion. "W-what are you talking about?" He slowly gets closer to her and asks her. "You never seen him use his powers? You never saw him destroy the school? Have you never seen him turn into his Demon or Devil form?" She slowly stops and thinks. "W-wait, when her cousin was visiting, and when they tried to defeat her father, a demon did appear, but the explosion caught our vision and we thought it was Miles who destroyed the demon. I can't believe he is-" Her mother gets upset and starts walking to her house. "Oh, and one more thing." He calls out for her. "Don't tell Elia I told you that, she would kill me!" He then teleports away and her mom continues to walk to the house while 30131 watches and laughs villainously while watching in the distance.

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