Chapter 7

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While the two stay in the underworld for a little longer, Evan, Alicia, Beta, and Razor are investigating areas for clues for any future plans that the enemies might plan. But while they continue walking, they walk through a group of people and Evan once again starts freaking out like what happened the last time. "Evan!" Alicia quickly runs towards him and helps him outta the crowd of people. "What was that?" She asks him. "Gah, those memories. So dark!" Evan mutters while Alicia tries to comfort him. "What do you mean by dark memories?" Evan calms down but ignores her question. "Just tell me what's wrong and maybe I can help." He still ignores her until Beta scans him and alerts everyone. "My sensors indicate that Evan is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Evan gets annoyed at Beta for telling everyone which makes him teleport away. "He's going through PTSD, I hope he'll be okay." Alicia somberly says. Evan then teleports next to a cliff similar to the one he always hangs out back home. While Evan meditates for a bit, a red glow can be seen behind him. "You must be Evan." The figure says. "I have no interest to talk, get outta my sight!" The figure is intimidated by Evan, but ignores his warning. "Hmm, you remind me of your sister, well her old self." Evan starts to realize that the person he's talking to might be bad news! "Okay, what do you want?" He asks aggressively. "Oh, you're being defensive over someone you dislike." Evan looks at him in anger and says. "I don't hate her, she may be annoying most of the time, but I still care for her!" The person laughs and reminds him. "Oh really, what about the time you wanted to KILL her!" Evan is stunned by his words and he continues to talk. "You were close to doing it as well, you sprained her ankle and shot her during that fight. But, that wasn't the only thing you have done over the years." Evan is still in shock while the red glow slowly disappears and it turns out to be 30131! "When you were being raised by your father, you were thought to kill, you killed so many innocent people, and now you want to change?" Evan starts to get another headache and hears screaming from all the victims he killed before. "Ugh, you worthless son of a-" 30131 then uses his powers to make his vision even more worse and from the trauma from the visions, Evan falls on his knees and 30131 laughs in victory. "Heheh, look at yourself, breaking down over some things YOU have done!" 30131 continues to laugh, until Evan slowly gets up but this time with rage in his eyes! "Huh, what's this?" 30131 asks himself while Evan walks towards him and says. "The price I pay, for eons of slaughter, a femoral circumstance, perpetual agony, this is nothing new to me!" He then grabs his rifle and loads it up and is ready for a battle. "A challenge? I have no interest in you, so I'll just give her a reminder that I am back AND for vengeance!" 30131 then lashes out a big attack with his claws and leaves Evan a mark on his arm. "See you soon!" 30131 warns him then teleports away while Evan holds his arm at the injury. The other members find him and see that his arm is severely damaged. "What happened?" Alicia asks him, but not before he passes out from the injury.

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