Chapter 8

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While the other team tries to help Evan from his injury, Ashley, Zack, Bree, and Owen are trying to convince the guards who are blocking their way to the city they once lived. "Come on dude, can you just let us go back?" Zack moans in frustration while the guards still ignore his questions. "Ugh, let's get outta here." Bree pouts while Owen agrees with her decision. But while they argue, a quick cyan light goes past and into the city which alerts all of the guards. "What is she doing?" Ashley wonders since the cyan light is Elia. "I hope you're not here!" Elia says while very annoyed. It seems that she is looking for Evan, because he usually doesn't listen to rules and does his own things. "Where are you?" She asks herself until a robot starts shooting at her. "Ugh, not the time!" She tells it with a very annoyed tone, but she quickly deals with it, until a message gets on her phone. The message reads. "Love, where are you?" The message was from Miles and she replies back to him with. "I'm looking for Evan." Miles replies to her with his message which both reliefs her and also shocks her. "Well Evan just got here, but he isn't looking in the best of shape." Once she reads the message, a soldier goes towards her and tries to put her in custody. "Oh great!" She pouts while the soldier tells her. "You are under arrest!" But she ignores him and sprints back to her house until one of her gloves gets cut and starts to bleed from the wound. "Okay, what do you want?" She yells out while the person who cut her was Alex. "Oh, it's just you." She tells her. "Umm, duh it's me!" She says sarcastically. "Look, just tell me where Macie is." She asks her, but Elia doesn't budge at all. "Yeah, nice try!" Alex gets annoyed and decides to lash out at Elia's other hand, but she quickly dodges her attack and aims her blaster at Alex. "Jeez, you're boring me to death!" She taunts, but Alex has other plans. "I don't have time for your games, get her!" She quickly retreats while Evil.E jumps outta the bushes and lashes out at her. "Ah, you and me, just like old times!" Elia tries to get back up while Evil.E flourishes his sword and slowly walks towards her. "I must say, after you beat the crap outta Slash not that long ago, I really thought that he was just weak and pathetic, but maybe he just gave you a fighting chance, since you got winded by me so easily!" Elia gets tired of Evil.E's speech and charges her blaster at him while she throws her other dagger and impales Evil.E right oh his hand! The heat from the elemental blade makes his hand melt and screams of pain. Elia gets even closer and charges her blaster even more with a cheeky smile on her face. "D-don't you dare say it!" He mutters while Elia chuckles and says. "Bingo!" And lets out a huge blast of element which severely melts Evil.E and Elia tells herself. "Man, I love saying that." While she continues to taunt him, she notices his sword on the ground and tells him. "Oh, you still have my sword, well I should take this away from you." Once she grabs the end of the sword, her head starts to ache and quickly lets go of the sword and falls onto the ground. Once her vision gets clearer, she notices that Evil.E managed to get away. "Ugh, of course he got away, why does every time I or my friends are about to defeat them, they manage to escape?" She asks herself sarcastically, until she hears a familiar voice from the distance. "Phew, there you are, Miles is worried sick about you!" Crow lands to give her the information. "Oh, can you tell him I'm coming home now?" She asks him, while Crow ignores her and says. "No can do, Trisha told me to keep an eye on you while Miles is taking care of the edgelord related to you." Elia gets annoyed at him and tries to leave without crow. "Elia, I told you that Trisha told me to-" Elia snaps and yells at him. "Flock off feather face, unless you wanna stick around and find out the hard way!" Crow gets intimidated and finally decides to leave her alone and Elia sprints back to her house.

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