Chapter 3

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A few hours later, Elia can be seen walking until she sees the city she used to protect being completely destroyed. "No!" She sprints towards the disaster even though she's not allowed to. Then, she spots Macie's sheath on the ground which makes her nervous. "Macie, Macie?" She shouts for her until she sees all of her friends' weapons on the ground destroyed. "No no no no!" She runs towards the weapons and starts to shed tears over her friends. "I'm sorry, I couldn't save you all." As she observes the area, she notices that her siblings are on the ground with cuts all over them. "No!" She continues to cry until she notices Miles' sword on the ground broken! She slowly looks for Miles until she sees his body on the ground. She quickly runs towards him and checks his breathing, but sadly his heart isn't beating. "P-please, don't tell me y-your." Elia starts to sob even more, then suddenly her ankle gets sprained mysteriously. "W-what the?" She is confused but she can't get over the loss of her friends, family, and her beloved. But the area arounds her turns red and the mysterious figure appears behind her and taunts her. "It's been a while, things definitely have changed, I gotta say I love the new look!" Elia is fuming over the hatred she feels about him. "Why are you back?" She asks him furiously. "Isn't it obvious, I love tormenting you!" Elia gets upset and tries to punch him, but he quickly teleports away and continues to taunt her. "It is so entertaining to watch you be all on your knees and giving up on yourself!" The figure laughs while his sharp teeth go near her face. "If you really dislike me, then why won't you kill me?" She asks him while balling her fists. "Because that would be boring, I prefer torturing you to the point that your mental health gets so bad you take yourself outta this pathetic universe!" He then uses the crystals that he uses for wings and sends them at her way. "If I take my own life, wouldn't that mean you won't claim my death as yours? And if I do die, would that mean you would no longer have anyone to torment?" She asks him, but the entity just laughs and says. "Oh please, I can just bring you back to life and make you immortal! You can stay alive and watch as the people you love die right in front of you one by one!" The entity slowly walks towards her and shoves his hand through her chest. "We'll meet again, soon!" The entity pulls Elia's heart outta her chest and crushes it while Elia screams in pain. "What is it, are you okay?" Miles asks her. Turns out Elia was having a really bad dream. "Y-your alive!" She says while hugging him and tears fall outta her eyes. "What are you-wait, did you have a nightmare?" He asks her while grabbing her cheek and looking at her teary eyes. "I-I dreamt you were gone, a-and everyone else I-I loved a-as well!" She tells him which really hurts him. "Oh, I'm sorry you had to go through that." He tells her while comforting her. "Then, that, that bast-" Miles stops her and asks. "Who was in your dream?" She looks at him and tells him. "My nemesis! 30131!" Miles looks at her confused. "30131? That's a weird name." Elia looks at him and says. "Most people call him that, but I call him Nemesis!" Miles looks at her and asks. "Why do you hate him so much?" She looks at him and responds. "Because, back when I used to be, well different. I used to have extremely dark thoughts in my head, I never knew why because I would never do nor think about doing horrible things. But one time I kept having nightmares when I daydream and dream at night. But one time I finally snapped and I tried to." She stops while Miles looks at her with pain in his eyes. "When I put the knife in my chest, he popped outta my body and since then, he always messed with my mind and made illusions of horrible things." Miles looks at her with a nervous look. "Why are you so nervous?" She asks him. "I'm worried about your mental health, love!" Elia looks at him and hugs him. "I'll be fine, don't worry." Miles looks at her and asks. "How can you be so sure?" She looks at him and smirks while kissing him. "It's obvious, because I have you." He smiles and gives her a kiss and the two cuddle back to sleep. "I hope you don't get another nightmare." He whispers to her, only for her to reply back with. "Don't worry, if I lay next to you like this, I'll be A ok!" He laughs while kissing her forehead and the two slowly fall asleep. Outside, 30131 is watching through the window from Elia's house. "So he is her weakness." He tells himself, then he walks away into the forest. What is he planning?

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