Chapter 12

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The next day, Elia's mother is making breakfast while Kelly and Gaby go down the stairs. "Morning mom!" They both tell her. "Morning to you mom!" They both sit down next to the table and start eating. "Oh, Chino messaged me that he and Amany are coming home today." Kelly says while Alicia, Evan, and Elia walk down the stairs. "Good morning everyone!" Alicia says while she holds Evan's hand. "S-stop!" He says while trying to hide that he is embarrassed. Elia slowly takes her steps and her mother tries to greet her. "Good morning, my daughter!" But she doesn't get an answer from her. "Hey sis, she's talking to you." Kelly pouts while Elia ignores her as well. Evan also gives his mom a strange look because of yesterday. While Elia gets her food and goes back upstairs, her mom can be heard calling for her. "You are supposed to eat at the dining room." Elia stops and turns around to only put the food back into the kitchen and walk back to her room. "What is wrong with you?" Gaby asks. She doesn't say anything at first, but lets a few words out. "You wouldn't understand because you were never in love." Gaby looks at her confused until Elia realizes what she said. "I'm sorry brother, I'm just dealing with a rough time." She apologizes while Gaby understands her issues. "Why are you upset, you two didn't break up, even after you two fought-" Kelly stops herself when she almost says something that she really wants to forget. "W-we aren't together, not anymore. Because of YOU!" She yells while looking at her mom. "I had everything, I was so happy, my wounds were finally healed! But now I have them back, you are so selfish!" Her mom starts to feel bad, until the doorbell rings. Elia opens the door and sees Miles waiting for her. "M-Miles?" She stutters while her mother tries to protect her. "Mom, stop!" She yells. "Hey, about yesterday. I realized how dramatic I was being and I've decided that I'll never EVER break up with you!" Elia smirks and hugs him and the two share a kiss. "That was quick." Alicia mutters. Elia is happy until she notices that her mother is still upset at him. "I don't care if you dislike him, we will still be together no matter what!" Her mother starts to look down but contains her feelings. She goes upstairs while the reunited couple go back and do the things they always love to do. "H-hey, why did you tell me that you were going to break up with me? You don't know how much pain I felt when you told me that?" Miles slowly looks at her and says. "It's because I really despise you!" Elia is stunned and starts to feel betrayed. "W-what? After all we've been through?" Her eyes start to flood until she notices that Miles' body starts to glitch and turns out to be 30131! "W-what? You!" She asks while he laughs at her. "Did you really think it was your pathetic boyfriend?" Elia slowly walks backwards only to be impaled through the chest by him! She screams in pain until she hears a faded voice in the distance. "Elia? Elia? Are you awake?" Elia slowly wakes up only to see her mother asking if she's awake. "M-mom?" Her mom slowly puts her hand on her head and scratches it while saying. "You were whimpering a lot and sweating, did you have a nightmare?" She asks. "Y-yeah, I've been having a lot recently." Her mom kisses her on the head and asks. "Do you want me to call Miles to help you?" Her eyes turned from tired to angry! "What are you talking about? You HATE him because he's a demon and you forced me to leave him!" Her mom looks at her confused and says. "What are you talking about? I know he's a demon, but since he has shown that he has a great heart and made you the happiest you've ever been in a while, why would I make you leave him?" She starts to realize that what happened was only in the dream and apologizes to her. While she apologizes, 30131 is watching her through the window with a menacing smile. "I think it's time, get ready!" He says while three voices respond with. "Got it!" And he teleports away and waits for the DEADLY surprise!

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