Chapter 14

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Elia slowly gets closer to Evil.E's sword, once she grabs the handle, flashes of her dark past appear, giving her a headache. But, 30131 notices this and slaps the sword right out of her hand. "No!" She yells. "Crap, she needs that sword!" Eliza tells everyone, until Razor leaps and grabs the sword with his mouth and tosses it back at her. Frustrated, 30131 lands near Razor. "You mutt!" He says while kicking Razor into a wall! He slowly gets closer to everyone else, until a blast hits his floating wings, he turns around and sees Elia. "Back then, I always said that my sword was a tool of justice. Not used in war, not used for vengeance. But, now I'm not so sure, and besides. This isn't my sword anymore!" 30131 lands facing towards her, and remembering the great times and things Miles has done, she remembers something. She quickly stabs herself through the chest with the sword. "No!" Everyone screams out loud while 30131 sits there and laughs. "That's it? You give up that easily-" Then, a massive explosion happens around Elia's body and as the dust clears, Elia's new Corrupted Form is unlocked! "Hmm, I like the new look, it's like me, but worse." He taunts while Elia grabs her Corrupted Blade and is ready for battle. "This is for all of the torment you've done to me, for what you've done to people I love, and for Miles. You're going straight to hell!" She charges at him and lashes out at him, ripping his arm off! "Take that!" She yells while he slowly falls to the ground, once he slowly gets back up, he sees Evan slowly walking towards him and loading his rifle. "Now you'll know what true suffering is, you pathetic lifeform!" He shoots him while Shadow and Eliza hold him in place. "You ain't going nowhere!" They both say while letting him fall off the edge of the cliff. While Beta uses his robotic claw to get him back up. "Eliminate!" He codes while shooting him with his minigun. Then, Trisha punches him and the impact launches him into Ethan's gun and blasts him while Macie slashes his other arm, and once she sheaths her sword, his arm slowly falls off! Everyone continues to give a piece to 30131 until Elia lets one more hit, finally ending him! "Stay where you belong, in my memories!" She says while 30131's body slowly lands onto the ground and says. "I will never be a memory!" Then, his body slowly turns into a million dust particles while everyone celebrates. "Woohoo, we did it!" Once they all celebrate, they stop when they see Elia slowly walking towards Miles' lifeless body. "I did it, I defeated my demons. But, you will always be the demon I'll love for the rest of my life! I love you!" She kisses him on the forehead until she starts to break and tear up again. They all once again feel bad for her, to the point where Shadow and Eliza start thinking of splitting up until Elia gets better from her loss. Until. Miles' sword starts to glow and catches everyone off guard. "M-Miles?" Elia somberly says while Miles slowly opens his eyes and says back to her. "E-Elia?" Her tears turn from sadness to happiness. "I thought I lost you!" She says while grabbing him and kissing him while everyone else celebrates and Shadow and Eliza share a kiss as well. And the heroes all sit next to each other and watch as the sun continues to shine.

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