Chapter 13

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The doorbell rings, and Elia opens the door to see Miles and all of they're friends outside the door. "What's up?" She asks while she notices that everyone looks very concerned. "So, we just went back to the city in secret and what we saw was horrifying!" Elia looks confused while Owen states. "Well, they did kick us out of the city so it's their fault." Bree gets annoyed at her until an explosion can be heard in the distance. "What was that?" Everyone asks themselves. "Okay, this isn't good! We should go and figure out what caused it!!" Elia states. Everyone agrees with her and they all figure out what caused it. But, once Chino arrives along with Amany, the house gets completely destroyed and Kelly, Gaby, and they're mom barely manage to escape! "What the heck?" Gaby says while very confused and scared. Then, General lands onto the ground and aims his shoulder cannon at them! "Follow me!" He commands, but they don't listen. "I won't ask again, follow me!" But before he charges his arm cannon, Beta charges his minigun and shoots him and severely damages him! "Target locked, begin elimination!" He codes while Eliza soars and lands next to him. "Hey, the red Mandalorian is back!" He teases while Shadow sprints and slows down. "Time to take out the trash!" Alicia then sneaks between the two ane and says. "Look at his crappy armor!" Razor pounces and growls while Evan teleports in front of everyone threatening him. "I am tired of seeing you, you're boring me to death General!" While reloading his rifle standing between his team! "So that's Team Edge?" Chino asks while Kelly says. "What do you expect? It has EDGE in its name." Until more lights glow and Ethan, Macie, Trisha, Zack, Ashley, Bree, Owen, Miles, and Elia land between them! "Let's kick some butt!" Ethan cheers, until a bunch of marching can be heard in the distance and Alexa shows up on her giant ship along with her army of Lizardmen along with General's robot army and then, the sky turns dark red and a demonic portal opens and a bunch of demons fall outta the sky! "Not again!" Both Miles and Evan scoff while Slash, Maria, Evil.E, Alex, and a Rap-droid lead the army. "This is going to be a GOOD night!" Evil.E taunts while Slash unsheathes his sword. Then, a red mist appears and it is none other than 30131! "Well well well, it's been a long time since we've met." He teases while Elia aims her blaster at him with rage. "Love, calm down. That's what he wants you to do." Miles comforts her. "So, that is the legendary devil hunter?" He laughs while Miles mutters to Elia. "Okay, you can shoot him!" 30131 laughs once again, but this time, he tells them this. "I have no interest in fighting, this is just a challenge to see if you can manage to deal with me!" He then teleports away and Alexa, Shredder, and General commands they're army to attack while both hero teams charge as well! Shadow manages to punch a hole through one of the robots while Razor pounces on one of the Lizardmen while Elia uses the shield from the fallen enemy as a board and kicks it to one of the demon's faces! "Hmm, I recall doing something like that a while ago." She tells herself. Then, Miles uses his Devil form to try to close the portal while Eliza gives him cover! "You got this!" He cheers while Miles continues to fly upwards to the portal. Owen uses his spear to impale two robots in the throat and smash them together. "There, now it's like you're doing the poki game." He teases while Bree throws her ninja blades at the two demons charging at them! "Ugh, these are a real pain!" Trisha moans from annoyance and bashes her fists into one of the Rap-droids! Ashley is soaring through the skies taking out all of the flying demons until Maria's robotic bat starts attacking her. "Ugh, why now?" She pouts, but doesn't pay attention to the demon in front of her and crashes into it. She lands on top of the demon and quickly shoots it in the head before it can get back up. "Sheesh, that was close!" She gets back up, until Maria lashes her scythe at her, but the blade lands into the propeller of Ashley's wing. "Great, now I can't fly." She says. But Maria flourishes her scythe while walking towards her. "Well well well, what do we have here?" She teases. "H-hey, aren't you Zack's sister?" She asks while Maria gets closer to her. "Of course I am, silly!" While she raises her scythe, Ashley asks her this. "Do you think your mom would be proud of what you're doing?" She stops and begins to have second thoughts. "...No." She whispers while Ashley slowly gets back up and hugs her. "Don't worry, there is plenty of time for you to change." Maria starts sobbing while Ashley continues to comfort her. But, this small little moment catches Slash's attention. "Ugh, Maria you traitor!" He yells while unsheathing his sword and impaling her straight through the chest! "M-Maria!" Ashley yells which catches Zack's attention. He sees her sister on the ground with blood gushing out and it really angers him. "You sack of-" He charges and throws his sword through Slash's chest. Zack calms down while he tries to help his sister up. "You okay?" He asks. "B-barely." She moans in pain. Ethan meets up with them and asks what is happening. Then, Slash quickly removes the sword out of his chest and unsheathes his sword, lashing at Ethan's prosthetic arm. But, getting flashbacks from the time where he lost his arm, he quickly turns his arm into a cannon and blasts his arm clean off, avenging the loss of his arm! "Take that!" He yells while recharging his cannon and aiming for his head. "P-please s-stop!" Slash pleads but a part of his face gets blasted off and squeals in terror until his power core turns off and his lifeless body sits there. "Well, he probably will get rebuilt." He scoffs while Ashley comforts Maria and the members help her as well. While they help her, Evan is with Kelly while he fights off some of the soldiers and demons. "Come on, let's go!" He commands, but she doesn't budge. "I said we NEED to go!" She still doesn't budge, until she says. "I'm not going out there!" Evan is furious at her and starts arguing with her. "There is no time for your cowardness! We are going no matter-" Kelly snaps and yells at him. "Because I'm pregnant!" Evan is frozen from her anger and starts to feel guilty for pushing her, but she is quickly grabbed by a few robots and demons. "Help me!" She yells. Remembering the time when he lost someone he truly loved and was a part of his family, he makes sure of himself that something like that will never happen again! "Prepare to die, fools!" He then reloads his rifle and warps towards the robots and demons destroying them in the process! "Go, save you and my nephew!" He commands, which she does listen to and goes to find cover. "Death to all who oppose me!" Evan yells while he turns into his Dark Form! Kelly finds Chino and sneaks a way to get protected from the chaos outside. "I-I told him I'm pregnant." She stutters. "How did he react to the information?" He asks her. "H-he was angry." She whispers. "Oh, I guess he really doesn't want another-" She stops him and corrects herself. "No no, not like that. He was upset because I nearly got killed, and so did our little angel." She rubs her stomach where the baby is. She hugs him and kisses him until a huge demon falls through the ceiling of where they were hiding. "Oh sh-" She nearly curses until she sees Elia slashing at the demon with her daggers. "Give me back his hat!" She commands. It seems that the demon stole Miles' hat and she is trying to reclaim it for him. Until Miles lands next to the demon and rips it in half while his hat slowly lands back on his head. Then, he slowly grabs his hat and crotch area and starts doing M.J. Dances while he thrusts in the air while an explosion happens when he finishes. "Woohoo, yeah!" Elia cheers, until she sees Evil.E in the distance taunting her. "Gotta go, love!" She quickly gives him a peck on the cheek and sprints towards her oldest rival. While she approaches, Macie is having a little tassel with Alex, but it doesn't seem to be important to Elia. "There you are!" Elia yells while Evil.E spends too much time and instantly starts to attack her! "You could've just killed me then!" He tells her. "Wait, wasn't that a part of my dream?" She asks herself out loud. "Oh, I guess he forgot to mention that even in your dreams, he can make stuff real! Like for example, you burning my hands, Kelly telling all of your friends that she's pregnant, your mom knowing that Shadow and Eliza are demons, and the fact that someone you truly love will die!" This ominous warning makes her worried and filled with anger. "I'd like to see you try!" She quickly shoves her hand through the blade of Evil.E's sword and takes it AND impales him straight through the chest! "N-no, t-this can't be!" Elia holds her hand from all the blood spilling out, but quickly uses her Angelic Form to heal it up. "That wasn't the best of my ideas." She tells herself. "I-I can still fight!" He yells. "Oh right, sorry to disappoint you but it looks like your days of tormenting me are OVER!" She yells while slowly raising the sword through his chest while he squeals in pain. "S-stop I can c-change, I-I promise-" Elia uses more force and finally splits his right in half, only hearing the echoes of his screams and the ongoing war. "Holy crap!" She hears. She turns around and sees Trisha standing there in shock. "Oh, yeah that was pretty brutal. I guess there is no more of Evil.E." Trisha walks away from her awkwardly and Elia slowly walks forward to the edge and sees that the war is over! The rising sun reveals the amount of carnage and bodies of the war that was left. Her mother walks out of the shadow's along with Amany, Gaby, and they're pet cat. "That was the best fight in my entire life!" Shadow cheers while Eliza holds his hand and the two share a kiss. Alicia helps Evan a bit until he sees Kelly. "H-hey, bro." She stutters. "I'm okay, and your nephew is t-" She stops when Evan hugs her while Alicia admires the view of the siblings' love. "I can't believe it!" All of the villains scoff while they all retreat. "W-we did it! We've won the war!" Elia cheers along with everyone else, until she see's Miles. "It was all thanks to you!" He tells her. She gets a cheesy smile from his compliment and slowly walks towards him to get a kiss. "We've all done great! And luckily we didn't lose anyone in the battle, but the same can't be said for them." Elia's mother says. Until, a red light quickly goes through Miles' chest and gets everyone by surprise! "M-Miles?" Elia somberly says. Miles slowly falls onto the ground and lets out a few words. "Go, t-take care of yourself!" Elia's eyes start to flood and everyone sheds a few tears for her. "No, this can't be it, I NEED you!" She sobs while holding his hand. Everyone feels terrible for her, Evan slowly looks away while closing his eyes, trying to hold in his tears. "Bravo, Bravo!" 30131 appears while clapping his hands together. "How could you!" Shadow yells at him. "Oh calm down." He says sarcastically. Filled with anger, Elia snaps and uses her Angelic Form and starts lashing out at 30131. "I'm going to kill you!" She yells at the top of her lungs. "Oh, really?" He tells her sarcastically while ripping one of her wings off! Crashing onto the ground, and 30131 blocking everyone else's attacks, all hope seems lost! Until-

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