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"Dad, I'm okay" Kira said as she held on to her backpack

"Why weren't you heading to lunch like everyone else?" Mr. Yukimura asked, looking at his daughter

"They left their bags" shrugging slightly "I was trying to be nice. You do something nice and you make friends. Or so I've heard"

Scott and Nova looked over toward them, listening in on their conversation,

"Hey, guys, I think I know what she was looking for" Stiles said lowly as he walked over to them

He held on to the backpack, pulling out the doll that had freaked him out when they were in the woods, the very one that had given him a minor heart attack,

"Seriously?" Nova asked

"You took the doll from the car?" Scott asked

"Yeah, I thought you could use it, you know" he replied "for, like, her scent"

"Where did you get that?" A male voice asked, causing them to look toward the entrance of the locker room "where did you find this?" walking inside and taking the doll from Stiles' hand "it belonged to my daughter" looking at it

"Sorry" Sheriff Stilinski said as he placed a hand on Nova's shoulder, passing her and walking over to him "Mr. Tate, I don't know how you heard about this. If you have your own police scanner or what . . but you can't be here"

He placed a hand on Mr. Tate's side, about to usher him out of the room, which simply caused him to back away. Sheriff Stilinski looked at him in confusion for a moment, looking down slightly and moving his coat out of the way, revealing a gun in it's holster,

"I have a permit" Mr. Tate whispered

"California schools are gun free zones" he replied, looking at him "permit or no permit. You need to leave, Mr. Tate, now"

"You find that animal" looking at him "you find that thing" walking out of the room

"Xylazine" Deaton said as he walked over to them "it's a tranquilizer for horses. For a werecoyote, I expect it to work in seconds. I only have three. So whoever's shooting needs to be a damn good shot"

"Allison's a perfect shot" Scott replied

"She used to be" Isaac countered

"She can do it" looking at him

"If we manage to find the thing" shrugging slightly

"Okay, what is the point of him?" Stiles asked, pointing to him "seriously, I mean, what is his purpose? Aside from the persistent negativity and the scarf?"

"What's up with the scarf, anyway?" Nova asked, her arms crossed as she leaned back against the counter "it's only sixty-five degrees out"

"Look, maybe I'm asking a question no one here wants to ask" Isaac said "how do we turn a coyote back into a girl, when she hasn't been a girl for eight years?"

"I can do it" Scott replied "you remember the night Peter trapped us in the school?" looking at Stiles "in the gym, he was able to make me turn using just his voice. Deucalion did the same thing at the distillery"

"This is a werecoyote, Scott" Deaton said "who knows if it'll even work if you can find someone who can teach you"

"Oh, that's why you called Derek" Nova muttered

"I can try it on my own" Scott replied "but right now, I'm too scared to even try to change in just a werewolf"

"We need a real alpha" Stiles said, causing Scott to look at him "you know what I mean, al alpha who can do alpha things. You know, an alpha who can get it going. You know, get it . ."

"Up?" Isaac asked

"Great" Scott said "I'm an alpha with performance issues" earning a chuckle from Nova

"Is there anyone besides Derek who can help?" Deaton asked

"I wouldn't trust Peter" Isaac said

"What about the twins?" Nova asked, shrugging slightly

"They're not alphas anymore" Deaton replied "after what Jennifer did, almost killing them? It broke that part of them"

"Yeah, but what if they still know how to do it?" Stiles asked

"Nobody's seen them for weeks" Scott muttered

"Well . ." Nova trailed off, causing Scott to look at her "that's not exactly true"


Scott, Stiles, Nova and Lydia walked toward the entrance of the loft, the redhead opening the door, letting the others walk inside first. Lydia walked down the stairs, looking around for a moment,

"They said they'd meet us here" she said

Nova turned around when a hit was landed, seeing one of the twins hitting Scott in the jaw, both of them throwing him down the stairs, causing him to land on the floor with a hard thud, Stiles pulling Lydia out of the way while Nova just took a step to the side. The twins looked at one another with smirks, heading down the stairs and landing more hits on Scott, Nova wondering how their methods were supposed to work as she sat down on the sofa, watching everything happen. She could never tell them apart, even though one swung for the other team and the other occasionally fooled around with Lydia,

"I thought you guys were going to teach me to roar" Scott groaned as he laid on the floor with a bloody nose and mouth

"We are" Ethan said

"You do it by giving in and letting go" Aiden added "that's how Deucalion taught us control" Scott groaning as he was pulled to his feet

"Hey, you know I've actually tried something like this one time" Stiles said "using a heart monitor and lacrosse balls. But you're right, beating the living crap out of him is probably a lot better"

"That's actually the plan?" Scott asked "you kick my ass?"

"You're afraid to turn" Aiden said "we're going to make you"

"You turn, then you kick our asses" Ethan added

"And then you roar" his twin replied, roaring with his eyes turning blue and his fangs out

"You don't think you can let go with us?" He taunted

"You think you're going to hurt us?" pushing him forward

"Come on, McCall" catching him "give it your all" shoving him back "we can always heal" blocking a punch his way and hitting him in the stomach "you're an alpha. You want to roar like one, you've got to give in full throttle. You've gotta be the monster. Become the beast. Become everything you're afraid of"

"That's what gives you power" Aiden added "gives you strength. Giving into it doesn't make you a bad guy so long as you can control it" hitting Scott again, causing him to fall to the floor, spitting blood from his mouth

"Sometimes control is a little overrated" kicking him hard in the stomach

"Come on, Scott" Stiles muttered "fight back"

"What if I can't control it?" Scott asked "what if I can't turn back?"

"Then it takes over" Nova said "you become like Malia, getting further and further away from being human. You turn into an animal, or worse"

"You turn into Peter" Ethan said

Scott pushed himself up from the floor, glaring at the twins as he wiped blood off from his chin with the back of his hand. He let out an angered yell, charging toward him, Aiden moving out of the way while Ethan slammed him to thr desk, climbing on top of him and throwing more punches to his jaw. Nova had enough, getting up from the sofa and walking over to them, grabbing his fist just before it could make contact,

"What?" He said, looking at her "I thought you wanted us to help him"

"You helped a little too much" she replied, shoving his fist away

He let out a low sigh, climbing off and stepping to the floor, Nova removing her flash from her coat pocket, opening it and letting a few drops of her tears fall into his mouth, which allowed his wounds to heal a little faster.

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