Chapter Thirty Seven- I Want The Good And The Bad

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I had completely forgotten that Xander was still at this party. I thought that after I moved away from him earlier he had no idea where I went, but I was wrong.

How was I supposed to know that Xander had been keeping an eye on me the whole time? He was the one that rejected me.

A few people around us stopped dancing to see what was happening beside them. It didn't take people long to put two and two together as their heads started turning in my direction before looking back towards the two boys, who looked like they were ready to pounce on each other.

"Don't you fucking touch her."

"Or what? Taylor isn't your property. You can't just go around threatening every guy that pays her attention because you want her for yourself. You've had your chance." Ryan snapped back instantly, and I couldn't help but agree with what he was saying. I almost couldn't hear what was being said over the music, which I was thankful for because that meant that the people standing around couldn't hear also.

The last thing I needed was for this to be the number one discussion at school on Monday. The kids at school loved the drama, and I on many occasions have been on the wrong end of their whispered gossip in the past.

Xander had yet to glance in my direction, but Ryan's eyes hadn't stopped shifting between me and the guy I used to hate. The awkward tension rolled off us in waves and anyone with eyes would be able to tell that something was off between us two.

Even though Xander refused to look in my direction, I couldn't help but glance at him. I noticed the way he was clenching and unclenching his jaw as he tried to calm down his anger, and the way that he was showing his hatred for Ryan through his eyes.

I had been on the other end of that stare one too many times.

I had to force myself to look away from him before I made it obvious that I was staring.

However, Ryan must have misinterpreted the tension between Xander and me because soon he was grinning. "Unless she already rejected your sorry ass."

Xander was in Ryan's face in an instant. He was taller than Ryan, only by a few inches, but it was enough to intimidate Ryan into taking a small step back. He didn't create so much of a distance that it meant he was backing down, but it did show that he feared Xander, even if it was slightly.

Ryan could be a dick when he wanted to be, but that didn't mean he deserved to get kicked off the football team for getting in fights, and it also doesn't mean that he deserves to be on the other end of Xander's anger.

Xander had no right to be angry. He had no right to start a scene and be on the verge of starting a fight with the owner of the house he was standing in. It was a dick move, and honestly, I was over this unnecessary drama.

I came to the party to have fun and forget about everything that happened last night, but Xander had other plans.

"Get over yourselves, the both of you!" I hissed, pulling their attention off one another and onto me. Xander seemed shocked for a moment, like he had forgotten that I was even there in the first place. "If you guys don't like each other that's fine, but don't drag me into your pissing contest." I scoffed, not wanting to be near either of them.

Xander didn't want me, but now that he's seen that someone else might want me, he wants to come swooping in and expect me to go along with it.

I know my worth, and I wasn't going to stick around and let them bicker over me like I'm just some toy.

I brushed passed the people that had stopped to see what was happening and ignored the way a few of them looked at me accusingly as if I had been the one to instigate the whole thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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