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Aaliyah Layton


He pushed me outside on the porch.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Stop acting like that hoe wasn't just all over you."

He looked at me for a second like his ass was confused or something before turning his head starting to laugh.

"What is you laughing for nigga, cause I don't find shit funny."

"You act like I wanted that hoe all over me, yo ass don't even know what happened before you walked in."

I rolled my eyes pushing my hair off my shoulder. He had a valid point. I wasn't thinking, but he he should have pushed her triflin ass off him.

"Who was that nigga huh?"

"Some dude I met at the mall, It ain't that serious."

"Ain't that serious? You was all over that nigga."

"Yeah, Like I said. Ain't that serious. Now move I need a drink."

I pushed past him walking back inside making my way to the bar. I took a whole bottle of whiskey not really caring if I had to work in the morning. I was gonna show my ass tonight.

After a while of drinking, smoking, and dancing my ass was laid out on the couch. You would have thought I snorted coke or sum.



I groaned covering my face from the bright ass lights, and loud ass music.

"Come on shordy lemme help you up."

Some nigga was helping me up and taking me to his car. I was way too gone to even understand what was going on. All I know was this nigga smelt good as fuck.


I woke up with a crazy headache, and a massive hangover. I felt so absolutely disgusting. What all happened last night? How the hell did I get home? The bed I was laying in didn't feel like my bed tho.

I sat up rubbing my eyes. Who did I go home with, and did I let him hit?! I looked down examining the oversized t-shirt that I was in.

Is it just me or am I in a nigga bed. I looked around the room looking at the posters, and the trophies. Who the fuck..?! I rubbed my head and grabbed my phone off the dresser which was completely dead.

"Damn. If this was a serial killer, my black ass would be dead."

I got up and made my way out of the room, and downstairs. There was someone in the kitchen cooking. To my surprise it was the nigga from the mall. Did I let him hit?!?!?!?

"Morning ma. you slept ok?"

"Uhh..yeah. You got a iphone charger?"


He flashed his pearly whites at me the same way he did when I met him. He put down the rag and walked to the living room coming back with a charger. I took it and smiled slightly.

I really hope that I did not let this nigga hit. Tyreek already saw me dance on him. He would kill my ass if he find out I fucked him after the party.

I plugged the box into the wall and plugged my phone up trying to get that shit to come on. The realization hit me, If Andre took my ass to his house, then that meant my car was still at that house.

As soon as my phone came on I called india to see where her ass was.


"Where you at?"

"In marcus bed."

No wonder this hoe was whispering. She turned the phone and I could see marcus ass sleeping. She turned the phone back smiling hard as shit.

"The real question is, wya?"

"My friend's house. Can you come get me?"

"Ask Ty to come get you."



"Cause after yesterday."

"Alr I'm on my way, send the lo."

"Ok thank you."

She hung up the phone and andre was just staring at me. I smiled slightly before heading upstairs to get my shit. He was looking at me like I had just said voldemort or something.

A notification from India popped up saying that she was outside. I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen where Andre was.

"So you just leaving?"

"Yeah I gotta go, I got work."

"Oh aii. Well text me later ma."

"I will."

I walked out of the house with Andre following close behind me. I looked at the car that was parked out front. That wasn't India car. That was Tyreek car.

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