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Shay James

Shay apt📍

"So you pregnant with his brother baby?"

"Yeah, but we ain't talked since I told his ass."

"Ain't think Marcus even had a dick."

She aughed hitting the blunt and passing it back.

"Where your son at?"

"At my momma house."

"That's good she watch him for you."

"She don't do it for me, she do it cause she thinks she a better mom to him than I am."

"No disrespect, but yo momma sound green asf."

"All disrespect, that bitch is. Ion fuck with that women. I never have. Not even when I was a kid."

"Felt that."

I nodded and looked down and her phone which was blowing up.

"Yo nigga is calling you."

"I know, I don't wanna talk to him. He would flip if his ass knew I was over here."

I looked at her with a blank ass stare before grabbing her phone and accepting the facetime.

I put my face in the camera and waited for it to connect.

"Heyyyyy Marcus."

"Shay? What you doing with my girl phone?"

"I was taking pictures, yo girl right here sitting in my living room."

"India, what the fuck are you doing over there?"

"Well we gotta go, she will call you later."

Within saying that I hung up the phone and handed it back to her.

Surprisingly India wasn't even mad. She just laughed.
After a while of us hanging out she had to leave to watch her little sister.

I looked at my phone for a little bit scrolling through Instagram before a notification popped up for my email.

I opened the email, and it was custody papers from Tyreek about my son. Was he serious? He's out his mind.

I clicked on my insta shaking my head. I was not letting him take my son away from me.

I went on his page checking his story for his location. It showed that he was at his momma house. I nodded grabbing my keys, and heading over there.

I pulled up to the house, not worrying about how I was parked. I got out and walked across the grass tapping Tyreek on the shoulder.

He turned around, but here come Aaliyah ass.

"What are you doing here Shay?"

"This don't concern you Aaliyah, go back in the house."

"I mean, your talking to my man. So it really does concern me. Don't you have a restraining order against him? Yo ass ain't even supposed to be here."

"I dropped that shit, but don't think that means that you get to be a mother to my son."

"Tyreek I'm going in the house, I don't have time for her."

Tyreek sighed, and started to follow her but I grabbed onto his arm making him turn around to look at me.

"Why are you trying to take my son from me?"

"He's my son to Shay."

He started to walk away again, but I grabbed his arm.

"You think she better than me?"

"That's the point."

I rolled my eyes.

"So you tryna be funny?"

"Shay , your delusional. That's my girl now. Me and you, been tf over. What I do now don't concern you.Just be ready when the court day come."

He pulled his arm away from me, and walked back inside his momma house. He ain't never did shit for his son all this time, now he wanna be a father?

I got back in my car shaking my head and rolling my eyes. She wasn't better than me. Tyreek would forever be my nigga.

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