20 (last chapter.)

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I sat in my room in complete shock. I felt sick to my stomach. I got up pacing my room. I couldn't turn my back on Tyreek. I truly did love him, but he just killed Andre. I didn't know how to feel.

I walked out my room and downstairs into the kitchen leaning against the counter. I looked at my phone just staring at Tyreek's name, thinking about calling him.

I shook my head and set my phone down on the counter. I ran My fingers through my hair trying to turn my brain off. My phone started to ring and I quickly picked back up nearly dropping it.

It wasn't him though, it was my mom. I answered, putting it to my ear.

"Hey mom."

"Hey baby doll, Clark called, says you haven't been to work in weeks."

I sighed. That was true. I haven't been to work, but did work really matter rn?

"I'll call him mom. I'll let him know I'll be in tomorrow."

No I won't.

"Alright baby doll. Are u ok?"

"Yeah, just tired."

Another lie.

"Ok now, well I love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone setting it back on the counter. I could care less about my job, Clark, or anything else right now.

I decided to cook me something to eat. I was honestly hungry for the first time today. I opened the fridge taking out some frozen fries, and some nuggets. I put the nuggets on a pan while dropping the fries in grease.

While waiting for those to cook, I leaned against the counter again eating peanut butter.

I don't know when I got so hungry, I was just disgusted by the thought of food a while ago. When the fries and nuggets finished, I put some on a plate. I ate some before setting the plate down. I stood there a second before covering my mouth.

I felt sick. I ran up to the bathroom kneeling in front of the toilet throwing up. I sat on the floor wiping my mouth.

I got up brushed my teeth and washed my face. I stood in front of the mirror lifting my shirt to see my stomach. I let it down realizing that I hadn't had my period this month.

I frantically searched through the drawer in my bathroom looking for the emergency pregnancy test I had just in case. This couldn't be happening, I can't be pregnant with his baby.

I took the pregnancy test, pacing in the bathroom waiting for the results. I looked at the stick, and I felt my heart leave my chest.

I'm pregnant with Ty's kid.

I sat on the floor covering my mouth in shock. I mean I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later, but not this soon.

I could hear someone knocking on my front door. I got up and made my way down the stairs wiping the teas from my face.

I opened the door, and there he was.


"Ty..what are u doing here?"

"I needed to see you."

There was this tight lump in my throat, like I wanted to tell him, but just couldn't.

"Ok well I don't wanna see you."

I shut the door leaning my back against it. I panicked I didn't know what to do. I sat on the couch hugging my legs.

My brain was still going, it's like I couldn't stop thinking about everything bad going on in my life.

I would keep the baby though, I wouldn't take it's life, before it got to live.

Another knock on the door, causing me to snap out of the trance I was in.

I stood up walking to the door.

"Tyreek I said I didn't wanna see-.."

I opened the door and my heart dropped once again. It wasn't Tyreek.

It was my dad.

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