Chapter- 10 I'm Sorry

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Kirishima took a turn a bit too hard, and he ran over a curb. He clutched the phone between his shoulder and his ear as he sped toward his destination. 


Kirishima felt tears prick his eyes as he heard that gruff voice roll over the line. "Hey Mom."

"Eijiro, do you have any idea what time it is?"

"I know Mom. I know. I'm sorry for calling so late, but I need to know something."

"This sounds serious. Do you want your Ma to hear?"

"I-I don't mind either way," Kirishima said while running a *yellow* light. 

"Juri! Get in here!

"What on earth are you bellowing at me for? I am quite literally right here."

"Yeah yeah, nag at me later. Eijiro is on the line."

A much sweeter voice filled the line as his Ma sang, "Ei, my sugarplum!"

Kirishima's heart clenched as he heard that name again. "Hey, Ma."

"Oh no. You sound sad. What's wrong shuggums?"

"I-I need to ask you guys a question. Mom, when did you tell Ma about me?"

There was a pregnant silence, and he could practically hear his parents looking at one another trying to decipher what this was about. It had been too soon, and he didn't want to get their hopes up by telling them he had a girlfriend...who wasn't really his girlfriend...because he hadn't asked... They were as romantic as Kiri was, and he knew they would love Ahri even if they hadn't met her yet. 

"Eijiro. Did you get a girl pregnant?"

"Are we gonna be grandmamas!?" Ma gasped in glee. 

"Juri! Calm down! If he got a girl pregnant, then that means none of those talks we had with him about safe sex got through his thick head."

Kirishima chuckled despite the sadness gripping his heart. "Mom, Ma, I didn't get anyone pregnant. I promise."

"Then why are you asking us about kids?"

"Because Mom, I...I met a girl," before they could interject, he hurriedly added, "we aren't dating or anything yet. I found out today, on accident, that she has a son."

Another deafening silence filled his truck as he impatiently waited on a red light to turn green. 

"How long you two not been dating?" his mom grunted.

"I met her a few weeks ago, but..."

"But it feels like you've known her longer," Ma added in a far-off voice. 

Kirishima barely managed to choke back his emotions. "Yeah."

"How old is the squirt?" Mom asked.

"4, I think. His name is Eitarou."

"And where is his father?" she asked again. His mom was one who needed the full picture before making any judgments. His Ma's silence was concerning.

"Piece of shit abandoned her when she was pregnant."

"Language," his Ma ... sang? Why was she singing?

"You said you found out on accident? When you found him, did she try and hide him?"

"No. I guess he wandered away from his uncle. He was sitting on a bench just waiting to be found. He was such a smart little guy. Ahri was freaking out and nearly killed him with her hug when she found him. She was yelling and crying, but she eventually introduced him to me. I...I ran away when I found out..."

Sturdy Lover (Eijiro Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now