Chapter- 13 Pancakes

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Kirishima was woken up by his alarm, but unlike usual when he slapped it back to sleep, he kicked out of bed and trudged to his bathroom. He took the quickest shower known to man, styled his hair, and dressed in some jeans, combat boots, and a rather snug black t-shirt. 

He was still a bit of a zombie as he walked out into the living room, but he looked at all of his friends, some of whom were still fast asleep, and smiled. Shinso was awake but looked equally exhausted as he sipped coffee at his kitchen table. 

"'Morning Shinso. You sleep alright?"

"I'm fine."

Kaminari, who was the most obnoxious morning person, zipped into the room and nearly sloshed coffee on the ground, "Sleep!? You think catdaddy ever sleeps? He was up all night!"

Kirishima ruffled Denki's hair as he passed. "You get any sleep Denki?"

"Yeah, an hour!"

Shinso translated, "Which means he's wired right now. He'll pass out as soon as we start to drive. He's like a baby who likes to be rocked to sleep in the car."

"Toshi! Don't go spilling all my secrets!!"

"That's not a secret Dunce Face. You'd crash out on every trip we ever went on as a class," Bakugo grunted from the kitchen. He crossed his arms over his chest and eyed Kirishima's clothes. "Where are you going?"

"I'm walking with Ahri and Eitarou to pre-K, but I need to pick up blueberry pancakes first," he explained with a yawn.

"Tch." Bakugo turned around and snatched up an unused frying pan Kirishima kept in his home solely for Bakugo since he rarely cooked for himself. "You're not bringing shitty pancakes. Give me 10."

Kirishima slapped him hard on the back and cheered sleepily, "Thanks, man! I really appreciate it!"

"Drink your orange juice and shut up."

Kirishima grabbed his juice and joined Kaminari at the bar. He turned and saw Mina and Sero still asleep, but he had to ask, "Where's Lore?"

Shinso chuckled. He pointed at his sleeping bag. Aside from a single white curl poking out the top, he couldn't see any more of Lore. "Is there? How does she breathe?"

"No clue, but she's in there!" Kaminari sipped his coffee obscenely loud getting him an eye roll, a scowl, and a confused blink. "So Kiri, how was last night?"

Kirishima instantly flushed, and Kaminari was not kind enough not to point it out. "YOU FUCKED HER!"

Mina suddenly awoke from the dead and screeched, "WHAT?!"

Sero, completely used to her yelling, rolled back over and went to sleep. Mina scrambled off the couch, fell on her face, and stubbed her toe all before getting over to Kiri who laughed at her when she tried to shake around his arm. "You must tell us everything!!!"

Kirishima handed her the rest of his juice which she happily accepted. "There's nothing to tell! We didn't have sex."

"Boooooo! I needed the dets!" Kaminari pouted.

Sleepily from the corner of the room, Shinso pointed out, "he didn't say they didn't do anything. He just said they didn't have sex."

This was the one thing Kirishima hated about Shinso's inclusion into the group. Bakugo was always smart enough to figure everything out, but he usually didn't care to get involved until one of his friends needed him to, or they were drastically off base. Sero was a 50/50 chance of catching on. Lore was much too sweet to ever say anything, and Mina and Kaminari were easy to distract. 

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