Chapter- 25 Returning Home

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Due to the emotional exhaustion of the day prior, Ahri slept in later than she ever had. Kirishima kissed her forehead and slipped out of bed. As he quietly packed up all of their things, he heard a soft knock at the door. 


Kirishima jogged over to the door and unlocked it to see a sleepy Eitarou standing there rubbing his red eyes. "Hey buddy, your mommy is still sleeping."

Eitarou had spent his entire life surrounded by his mother's warm soft hugs, his uncle Tama's fun quirk-enhanced animal hugs, and of course Mirio's endless goofy cuddles. However he had always lacked a strong role model of what a father was, so before meeting Kiri his childish heart had clung to the numerous clips he had seen of the chivalrous hero. His infatuation with the red pro was the same as Kirishima's love of Crimson Riot all those years ago. Even though he had watched Red Riot on TV his whole life, there was nothing quite like seeing his favorite hero kneeling down in the middle of the hallway and smiling at him first thing in the morning. 

Eitarou blinked in surprise and grunted in confusion as to why Kirishima was answering instead of his mom. 

Kirishima opened the door a bit more to let Eitarou see Ahri's bundled-up sleeping form. Without Kirishima's warm body next to hers, she was coccuuned in every blanket they had. "Mommy's just a bit sleepy this morning."

Eitarou grunted in understanding before looking back up at Kirishima who offered, "want to go downstairs and see what your uncle Kat made for breakfast?"

Eitarou nodded. Kirishima closed the door with a soft click and walked out of the room. As he walked, he didn't give it much thought since it felt right, but he placed his hand on top of Eitarou's spikey black head. 

Once upon a time, Eitarou would have slapped off the touch, but after spending a good bit of time with his favorite pro, his ears were wiggling with happiness beneath Kirishima's big hand. 

Kirishima and Eitarou were all smiles as they made their way into the kitchen. Bakugo looked angrier than usual due to not getting a full night of sleep, but seeing the tiny kid glare up at him made him smile.

"Hey pipsqueak, you know how to cook?"

Eitarou grunted a yes. 

"Then go into the pantry and get the stepstool."

Eitarou wandered off on his assigned side quest of finding said booster stool. "Be careful with him," Kirishima warned as he heated up water for his and Eitarou's hot chocolate. 

"No, really? I'm going to hand the brat a fuck'n butcher's knife and tell him to lick the hot coils." Bakugo flipped Kirishima off and sneered, "he's going to stand here and watch me cook so that someday he can actually be of some fucking help, unlike you losers."

Kirishima chuckled as he scratched his bare stomach. "I'm just saying. Don't hurt my boy."

"No shit. I like the little fucker, so go and drink your liquid chocolate and shut the hell up." Bakugo and Kirishima both stared at Eitarou who had wandered back into the kitchen with a blue stepstool in hand.

"Buddy, where is your shirt?"

Eitarou looked down at his rounded bare baby belly before looking back at Kirishima's chiseled sunkissed one. "You're not wearing one."

Shinso, who had been quietly sipping his 17th cup of coffee, chuckled, "kids mimic everything their parents do."

Kirishima grimaced, "crap, okay bud. Where did you leave your shirt?"

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