Chapter- 4 Being Bold

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Kirishima had barely slept a wink the entire night. His heart felt like it was getting the most lethal baoa constrictor hug every time he closed his eyes because all he'd imagine was Ahri rejecting him. 

After she didn't reply to his confession, he received a random blurry photo of a strange plushie, and then nothing else. 

He took a freezing shower before grabbing his bag and heading off to work. He threw himself down into his sturdy desk chair, and his best friend glared at him over his paperwork. 

"What's up with you this morning?" Bakugo grunted as he went back to signing the never-ending forms. 

Bakugo was the number 2 hero, and Kirishima was more than happy to work beside him and help him run his agency. Bakugo had offered to put his name on the agency a few times, but Kirishima always stuck by the idea that it was Bakugo's hard work that needed to be celebrated not his. Plus Ground Zero sounds a lot better than Ground Riot or Red Zero. Both sounded a bit too much like horror flicks for Kirishima's liking. 

"I didn't get much sleep last night."

"You sleep like a bear. What the hell do you mean you didn't get any sleep."

Kirishima tossed his phone at Bakugo who snatched it out of the air. "I don't know dude. Read the messages. Did I fuck up that badly that she ghosted me?"

"This isn't Letters to Juliette, I'm not reading your shit."

"Wait, how do you even know what that movie is?" Kirishima laughed. 

"You've met my girlfriend, and you have to ask me that?" Bakugo deadpanned. 

"True! She does seem the type to like rom coms." Kirishima frowned as he thought about Ahri for the hundredth time since sending that text. She said she liked Disney movies, but he wanted to know more about her. Maybe they had similar tastes? Or maybe he'd get to learn all about a new genre because she loved it? He'd watch anything as long as it made her happy. 

Bakugo hated seeing his friend look so glum, so he begrudgingly unlocked Kirishima's phone. His red eyes flickered through the texts. 

"Oi! Shitty Hair, do you have to be so damn dense?"

His red eyebrows pulled together in confusion as he asked, "What do you mean?"

Bakugo held up the phone and showed him the photo. "It's a screenshot. Look at her battery percentage. It's red. She must be an idiot like Lu who never charges her phone."

Kirishima leaned around Bakugo to see the image again. "Holy shit Bakubro! How'd you even notice that?!"

"Because I'm not a dumbass like you," Bakugo chuckled. 

Kirishima laughed at his friend's ribbing and took his phone back. Feeling a million times better, Kirishima skipped back to his seat and plopped down like a happy pancake. "So what should I do? Do I text her back? Wait for her to text me?"

Bakugo went back to his paperwork and grumbled, "I don't know. It's not my damn relationship."

"I know that, but I need some advice, man! I helped you out with Lore."

Bakugo smirked, "Did you? Or did you lie to me and try to trap us in a shitty plan orchestrated by Todoroki?"

Kirishima blushed bright red like his hero name and cleared his throat. "Fair point. Fair point, man."

"If I were you, I'd go to her brother's agency."

Now he felt really dumb as he was forced to ask, "Huh?"

Sturdy Lover (Eijiro Kirishima x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon