Chapter- 35 Night

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"Hey, my love, I need to go check on something! Ummm..just go ahead and get in without me," Kirishima's deep baritone called out. 

"I can-" she heard him give someone a call, the bedroom door close behind him, and then his footsteps rushing down the steps, "just wait...but I guess never mind."

Ahri finished unbuttoning her shirt and dropped it into the hamper. As she was stripping out of her pencil skirt, 

she felt clammy cold hands wrap around her stomach and mouth. 

Ahri screamed behind that hand, but Daisho's deranged voice whispered, "shhhh, don't scream yet. We haven't even started."

She tried to kick, but her legs were tangled in her tight skirt. When her foot slipped on the silky fabric, Daisho lurched forward with her. They toppled to the ground in a loud thud, and he laughed, "Ohh, you want it right here? You kinky cunt, want to fuck while your man is checking the perimeter?"

She shook her head violently. Even as tears sprung to her eyes and she tried to buck him off, Daisho continued, "yeah that's it, keep fighting. Fuck, I always loved your fire."

"My lawyers have been watching me like hawks. They were afraid I'd do something stupid." Kissed her ear making her flinch. "Can you believe that? Me, do something stupid?"  

Daisho rolled her onto her stomach and forced his way between her kicking legs. He had one hand on her throat and the other he grabbed her face in a bruising hold to try and shove a piece of clothing in her mouth to keep her quiet. "Open." When she kept her jaw locked, he shouted, "OPEN!"

The second he took his hand off her mouth, she sucked in a deep breath to scream for Kiri. Alas, he punched her in the throat. His entire face was covered in darkness, but she could see those insane red eyes laughing at her as he taunted, "yeah cunt, how does it fucking feel?"

Now that she could breathe, he dropped one of his hands to her hips and sliced off her skirt to free her legs. He grabbed her thigh and forced it wider open to plant his feet. As he yanked her to her feet, he hissed, "the difference is that this time you can't run away from me."

I may not be able to breathe, but I'll never stop fighting. 

Kirishima, please. 

Save me.

Ahri tried to punch, but he snatched her small fist out of the air before grabbing the other. His claws pierced her tender wrists as he pinned them aggressively above her head. "Do you know they look at me like I'm a monster? Those people in the underground, they look at me- ME- as if I am a villain! All of them have killed people, and all I do is smack around a few mouthy cunts and they treat ME like I'm the beast! I did nothing wrong."

"But don't worry bitch, we'll show them how wrong they are. We'll show the world how much you love me. Come on, Ahri. It's time to leave this family behind, but don't worry," his liquor-stained breath blew across her cheek making her gag. "We'll start a new one. Just you, me, and the babies I fuck you full with." She let off a scared wheeze when she felt Daisho drag her toward the window. 

Daisho drank up her fear. "Yes that's it, show me those lovely eyes. I'm going to spend every day of the rest of my life making sure I'm the only man you'll ever see."

As he tried to force her out the window he had snuck through, the closet door splintered open.

Kirishima didn't waste a single second more. After he had made it down to the front gate, he had seen that someone taped a rolled-up leaf over part of the camera to make the flapping object pick up as an unidentified figure. As soon as he saw that, he knew it was a trap. He had never run so fast in his life, and he knew he had broken more than a few pieces of his home trying to get to Ahri. 

Sturdy Lover (Eijiro Kirishima x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें