Finally, Christmas

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It has been four days since the incident with Eddie and I had been hiding from him as much as possible, unfortunately, that also included not seeing my friends as much either. 

Outside of the Gryffindor common room I had been spending time with Draco, because Eddie didn't mind that I wasn't with him when I was with family. Although Draco was starting to get sick of me. I hadn't told him that I was kind of using him because I was scared of my boyfriend. In fact, I still hadn't told him that I have a boyfriend. Imagine the letter he would send to Lucius, and the howler I would get in return from Narcissa.

Speaking of letters from Narcissa, I received one from her yesterday at breakfast. She had found my mother's grave. I've still been eating breakfast at my own table but lunch and dinner were spent at the Ravenclaw table, I'm doing everything I can not to make him mad.

I was sitting beside Freddie on Friday, the morning I received the letter. After reading it I shot up and left the great hall. I stopped in the empty corridor and sat on the cold stone floor, the letter still in my hand. Freddie had followed me out to find out what was wrong. I let him read the letter and as he was just finishing, Eddie came out to see what was happening. He sent Fred away and grabbed my wrist again, forcing me to stand, asking me why I didn't come to him with this and instead let another boy run after me. That day I couldn't get away from him.

I still haven't seen Cedric since Tuesday, I didn't want to face him after what happened with Eddie. Thankfully, we go home for Christmas tomorrow morning.


It's currently Saturday night, and Holly, Maddi, Katie and I were hanging out in our dorm with Hermione. I had told Eddie I needed to pack for the Christmas break, truth was I was packed days ago. Hermione was filling me in on how much of a little shit Draco had been recently. I had asked her to let me know when he was being a bully.

"He was looking straight at Harry when he said, 'I do feel so sorry for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home.'"

"I'm going to kill him."

"Harry didn't care though, because he doesn't want to go home, he hates it there. Staying at the castle will probably be the best Christmas he has ever had."

"I'm glad Ron and the boys will be here to keep him company."

"Yea. Ohh, Draco and Ron got into a fight. Snape took five house points off Ron for starting it."

"A fight?" I asked in shock. I was with Draco earlier, he hadn't told me anything about a fight. Probably thought I would tell him off or send an owl to Narcissa.

"Harry, Ron and I were standing talking to Hagrid, who was bringing in another fir tree for Christmas. That's when Draco appeared out of nowhere and made a snide comment about Ron being poor and that he was probably helping Hagrid to earn extra money and that Ron was probably hoping to be gamekeeper himself one day because Hagrid's hut must seem like a palace compared to where the Weasley's live. So Ron attacked him and Snape caught him."

"The little shit! Hermione I'm so sorry he's being so mean to you all."

"He hasn't done anything to me, yet. It's not your fault though, you can't control him."

"I swear he's not like this without his Slytherin posse around, he can be so lovely at times. He'd kill me if he knew I told you that."

"How did he turn out such a bully and you didn't?" Asked Maddi.

"He idolizes Lucius far too much, and he's a complete arse, but recently he couldn't care less about us. He was barley home all summer, said he was away on family business in Albania. I doubt he'll be around much during Christmas either."

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