Chapter 4

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After seeing what happened inside of Alastors house, we walked to the lake. I thought he might have wanted to talk about it but he didn't, not at all.

"Alastor, if you want to talk-"

"No, I don't. Thank you though." He said with a strained smile, hopefully I wasn't being annoying.

"Perhaps one day but now, I don't think so." He said.

"I'm sorry I-um, well if that's the case then lets change the subject I guess.." I said as I sat down on the soft grass, a few flowers lying beside me.

"Hm..what to talk about.." I said as he sat down next to me.

"Whatever do you mean?" He asked as I turned my head towards him.

"Huh?" I asked as he chuckled slightly.

"Tell me more about yourself, and then I will do the same. We haven't talked much about ourselves so this could be a good opportunity to." He said.

"Oh okay, well..of course you already know my name, Y/n, L/n. I like to read and helping with cooking whenever my mother lets me, I like to go on walks, hmm..okay your turn cause I don't know what else to think of." I said.

"Very well, you know my name, Alastor Leblanc, like you I also enjoy reading. I haven't yet but I want to learn how to cook, I don't like dogs, they're scary. I like sweet things, though dark chocolate is my favorite." He said.

"Big dogs are really scary." I said as I stood up and took my little shoes off and set them aside, along with my socks.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I sat back down and dipped my feet in the water.

"This, but the water is a little cold.." I said as Alastor laughed a little bit and stood up.

He took his shoes and socks off and rested them right next to mine, he rolled his pants up to his knees and sat down. Sitting down, he pushed himself into the lake. Luckily, the lake wasn't too deep but he miscalculated how far he had to roll his pants up because the rolled parts still got wet.

"Aww my pants got wet." He said as I giggled and dipped my hand in, splashing a few droplets of water onto his face and shirt.

"Hey!" He said playfully as he did the same to me, I lifted up my skirt a little bit in order to try not to get it too wet and jumped in.

"You're splashing!" He said with a laugh.

"So are you!" I said as I cupped some water in my hands and threw it on top of his head, getting his hair, face, and glasses wet.

" my hair is all wet." He said as he looked down and pointed to something in the water.

"Hey, look at that." He said as I looked down.

"Look at what?" I asked as he splashed water up into my face.

"Payback." He said with a grin on his face.

"Yeah fine, I deserved that." I said, wiping the water off of my face and back into the lake.

"Wait hey come look at this" He said as I laughed.

"I'm not falling for that again, nice try though." I said, crossing my arms.

"No, there's actually something here this time." He said as he crouched down, getting closer to the water. And getting his legs more wet in the process. 

"Hm, what is it?" I asked, walking closer to him to see what was in the water as he gasped.

"ITS A FISH! IT'S PRETTY!" He said as he reached into the water to try and grabbed it, he tried about 3 more times, the last time he ended up falling face first into the water.

"Al! Are you okay?" I asked, helping him up.

"Yes, i'm okay. I'm just sad that I couldn't catch the fish." He pouted as I got him back onto his feet.

"And now i'm soaked.." He said with a sigh as I stepped out of the lake and back onto the grass, I held my hand out and brought him onto the grass with me.

"Thank you." He said with a smile as he wiped his glasses.

"Next time, we could both try and catch it. Oh! And I could bring a jar so it would be easier for us to catch. Maybe we could even find more than one." I said with a giggle.

"Next time is gonna be so fun, but I should um well, I should probably get home and get changed." He said, his smile fading a little bit nearby the last part.

"I have towels at my house, you could stay and we could get you dried off. You wouldn't have to go home until later." I said, hopeful that he might just say yes.

But he declined.

"It'll be better if my clothes and such are dealt with now, I would need an extra change of clothes anyway but I appreciate your offer." He said, grabbing one of my hands with both of his. 

Nodding his head while also shaking my hand, he let go after two nods before turning away and beginning to walk back home. Before he could leave, I grabbed his hand, making him turn around to face me.

"Y/n?-" He said as I pulled him into a hug.

"Be safe, Alastor." I said, letting go. He seemed shocked but also seemed happy when I hugged him. Oh that's right, this was the first hug I had given him so far.

"I will, i'll see you tomorrow." He said, faint blush dusting his cheeks as he walked to his house.

"Goodbye, Al." I said, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. 


Little bit of a short chapter but it's happier than the last few i've made and I think its cute so anyways I hope you enjoyed it, goodbye.

Word count: 954 

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