Chapter 10

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Something changed when Y/n left, or maybe it was after I killed mother and father. But something changed, drastically. A little after I turned 17, I began killing people. Not too many, I don't think I could get away with more than a few at the moment. I don't have my own home yet, so I don't have somewhere to bring the bodies. Recently, I've been burying them in the woods. Aunt Mary hasn't found out yet, and I don't intend on letting her. Though, one of the times I came back to the house. I didn't realized that I had blood on the collar of my shirt and she saw it. I told her that it was just a bit of something that I spilled and she bought it, I haven't made that mistake again. I wouldn't have ever thought of becoming a killer, but after I did kill someone, it almost felt like I couldn't stop. It's weirdly enjoyable. There's times that my mind bounces back to the thought of Y/n. What would she think of me now if she found out what I was doing? I wonder if she would turn me in to the police, it would be the smart thing to do. Which is why I could never let her know, not that i'm even sure if she'll ever come back. I know that she said that she would but i'm just not sure. 

For all I know she might have been just saying it to make me feel better about her leaving. I do hope that shes coming back though. I miss her, dearly. Even if it's been over a little over a year, I still always think about her. How couldn't I? I still think about the little things. Like, how she would scold me when I would be late to class because I didn't want to get out of bed. Or when I would leave my bag at home so I didn't have to do certain classwork, I wish she would scold me again. Just once. However, if she knew that I've killed people, and that i'm still doing it, I would get so much more than just a lecture. But it would just feel nice to see her face again, or to hear her voice. I've been targeting not innocent people, but bad ones. The first one I killed, besides from my parents, was a man similar to my own father. He had a beautiful wife, and a young daughter. I had seen them take walks quite frequently. On one of them, it was only him and his wife. Something happened in a store they were in, he brought her outside and yelled at her. He said something about how he misplaced his wallet at home because she was distracting him. When she tried to speak up, he struck her. I had been on a walk of my own when I witnessed it. Her and him were in view everyone, people saw him do what he did. And yet no one batted an eye. It was terrible, how could people be so okay with it? I felt an urge, a murderous one.

 I thought that maybe I wouldn't feel something like that again, that it was a one time thing and that it was only because he reminded me so much of father. But no, I kept feeling it. And I kept indulging in the feeling. Whenever I would tune into the radio, I would hear of the disappearances, and then when the bodies were found. Honestly, I felt prideful. One after the other I heard of my work, my victims. I do wish that they went into more detail though, i'd like to re-live the moment again.

 I know I said that my victims weren't innocent, and that was true. For the most part.

 There have been a few that hadn't done anything wrong, but it didn't change the way I felt. It still felt good to hear them, to see them hurt. Depending on how I feel, I try to not kill innocent people. I don't feel anything like guilt when i'm killing people, but when they're innocent, after i'm done I feel a small sting of it. Not so much to make me regret it, but a little bit of guilt hits me. I haven't killed too many people, its only been six so far.

 Only two were innocent, I don't really plan on killing anymore of them. I'd rather target adverse, corrupted, putrid, people. I get a better rush when I kill them, because I know they deserve it. And I don't feel any guilt when i'm done, Its easier, more enjoyable this way. I'm a little surprised that I haven't been caught yet, not that I want to be, of course. I suppose I've been hiding my tracks quite well if i'm getting this far. I've been careful to make sure no one sees me when i'm taking them and when i'm hiding them. Its not like anyone really goes in that woods anyways. I usually go out when its late, 12-1. So I don't have to make up some sort of excuse to get out of the house. 

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