Chapter 18

717 19 22

New Orleans, 1925

(Alexander's POV)

I've been an officer for a few months now, I wanted and decided to become one after that serial killer arose. They're calling him The Ripper now. London had their Jack The Ripper, and we've had our Axeman, but now we have our very own Ripper.  At first, they thought that the Axeman resurfaced again after four years. It wouldn't be a surprise. The Axeman disappeared for six years before returning again, some just thought this was another long break and that he was back. But that wasn't the case. This killer doesn't chisel out panels of doors and doesn't break into Italian-owned grocers. Not to mention, the way this new killer operates is totally different than that of the Axeman. 

Now, this one kills in the middle of the night and strikes any people who might be out wandering, or at least that's what we believe. It doesn't seem like he has a certain target. He kills both men and women, regardless of their race. This killer stabs them, sometimes even taking parts of the body with him. He toys with them too it seems, judging by the way his victims look when he's done with them. It's quite sickening the way he leaves them. I wouldn't be surprised if he tortured them as well. He's also different by the way he leaves the scene. He doesn't leave the murder weapon behind like the Axeman would either. He's not as reckless. There are never any fingerprints so it's clear that he's either very careful or wears gloves, he goes out in the dead of night to commit the act. Whoever this "Ripper" is, he likes to mess with us. He always kills his victims in the most gruesome way possible and doesn't even try to hide the bodies anymore. He wants us to see his handiwork. He wants us to find the bodies. It's some kind of sick joke to him, to play with us. He's left notes in blood before,

 "Catch me if you can"

 It's a game for that devil. To run around and kill people, some of them, innocent. There have been some that are terrible people, don't get me wrong, that he's gotten rid of. Perhaps he thinks of himself as some sort of vigilante. I certainly don't. I knew one of the victims, Roy Davis.

 He was a good friend of mine. Sure, he got roped up with some bad men and worked for some shady people. At first, that's who we thought killed him, some mobster. But the way he was killed, it wasn't sending a message, not one that they'd send. No, it was a message to us by The Ripper.

 It almost felt like it was directed towards me, Roy was someone I grew up with, someone I was close to. I had even lent him some cash recently, he was in a tough situation money-wise. But a message to me would be absurd, I'm not even very high up in the force. Despite all of that, though, he was a good man, a good friend. And that killer took him away from me, his other friends, and his family. I went to visit Roy's mother after the fact, to see how she was doing. She told me 

"I knew my boy was wrapped up in some strange stuff but he was good, he was a good boy. I don't know why someone would want to do this to him." 

It was heartbreaking and made me want to catch this murderer even more. Show him the pain that he's causing these people.

I was outside, it was late. Around 1:00 or so. I've been going out late recently and patroling since it seems like that's when he usually strikes. I started dozing off while leaning on the wall nearby an alley when I heard a muffled scream. It scared me awake. Quickly, I drew my gun. A thud and a weird, squishing, wet sound soon followed the cry.  Still half asleep, I walked over to the alley slowly, careful to watch my movements. That was until I hit my foot and made a noise, I immediately knew that I gave myself away. Despite my heart racing, I walked closer. That was when I saw what looked to be a young lady slumped over with blood covering her body and the alley.

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