Chapter 5

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It's been a few weeks of getting to know and grow closer to Y/n. So far I haven't made any new friends at school but thats okay, I don't really need any other ones. I don't believe that she's made any new friends either. Well, hm there is one. He's been talking to her since last week and it's beginning to get irritating, his name is Caleb. He'll come into class, and then sit in my seat until I get in class and tell him to move. The worst part is, she finds him funny. She find his jokes and actions funny. Yesterday though, he was hanging out with her. They were at a park nearby my house, I go there to find flowers for mother. 

Why can't he just go away? 

He is just so annoying, I don't want her hanging out with him. He doesn't seem like such a great person, hmph what's so special about him? I'm getting wrapped up in my thoughts again, I guess it doesn't matter though because i'm almost home. School today was pretty boring and I almost got in trouble, I tried passing Y/n a note again but Ms. Finley took it and threw it out and later scolded me saying things like

 "You are a good student but you have to stop with this kind of behavior. Passing notes is unacceptable. Please do better Alastor, I wouldn't want to tell your parents but I think i'll have to if you keep this up."

 Would she rather me talk and disrupt the class or would she rather me be SILENT and pass a note or two? And talking to my parents over a note? Ridiculous.

I wanted to go to the lake again but because of the teacher I wasn't able to ask her if she wanted to join me, and I didn't exactly want to go by myself. I was going to ask her while we were leaving school because we usually walk home together but she went over to Caleb's house after school instead. Am I jealous? Of him? No, well maybe just a little but I shouldn't be. Hopefully her being around him so much wont be a permanent thing. At least father isn't home, that would have made my day worse. I mine as well go inside since he isn't, I don't have anything to be worried about right now.

"Mom! I'm home." I said as I opened the door and walked in.

"Oh, hello dear. How was school?" She asked from inside the kitchen.

"It was fine, how was your day?" I asked, I sat my bag down and took off my shoes before walking into the kitchen.

"It's been well but it's better now that you're back home." She said, bending down and kissing my forehead. I giggled and hugged her waist.

"Glad to hear." I said as she looked down at me.

"Any homework today?" She asked as I shook my head.

"Nope, none!" I said, letting go of her.

"Oh well actually there is something, all I have to do is read two chapters of this one book but that's it." I said as she smile softly.

"Go get on that so you don't have to do it later, i'll let you know when food is done, okay?" She asked as I nodded.

"Mhm." I walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room and dug into my bag, getting my book out and walking up the stairs.

"Darling?" She called, I was halfway up the steps.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Your father is working late tonight, I just wanted to let you know." She said, I was happy. More time away from him, time that I didn't have to see his face or hear his voice.

"Oh okay!" I said, continuing to make my way up to my bedroom.

{Timeskip, 20 minutes later}

"Dear! Come down here please, someone's here for you!" She called as I just got done reading the last chapter that I was told to.

"Coming." I said as I closed my book and hopped up from my desk and walked out of my bedroom, I made my way downstairs to see who was waiting for me.

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