Chapter 14

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When he left for work I decided to sit down and finish my food before it got cold. I wasn't very hungry, so I only ate half of mine. If I couldn't even finish my plate how was I supposed to eat his too? Not that I really planned on it, though. I felt bad wasting the food but I figured if it was a big issue, I could buy more groceries when I start working again. I hope I don't seem ungrateful to Mimzy, because I really do appreciate everything she's done for me. I mean, she let me stay with her and gave me a job, of course I'm grateful. 

 But I just don't know if I should stay working at her bar. If I did, I would barely see Alastor since he works during the day and I would have to go to sleep late. Dinner would be cold by the time I got back if he made some, and since I volunteered to help around the house and do the dishes, I'd have to do those late as well since he would have probably already eaten. Besides, a coffee and pastry shop reminds me of mom and dad's bakery, It would put me in a familiar place. I'm used to working with sweets and pastries. 

 I figured I would wait until my job situation with Mimzy was sorted out before I checked out the shop. Though, thinking over it a bit more, perhaps I should talk to Mimzy myself. Despite the fact that I'm a bit nervous to talk to her, I should probably be the one to do it. It is my job, after all. It would be a little embarrassing anyways if Alastor said something to her, it would make me seem like a child. As if I was seeing if my mom or dad could ask for something for me because I was too afraid to do so on my own. 

 I made my decision and decided that I would tell Mimzy later today. First, I scooped the food and threw it away. I still felt a bit bad about just wasting the food like this but again like I said, if it really is an issue, I could always pay him back for the food that was thrown away. After I finished washing dishes that were left in the sink, it was already 8:00. 

 I planned on visiting Mimzy around maybe 1:00-2:00, so what to do with all the time I have before then? I know I said yesterday that I already looked around the house, and that is true, but I sort of rushed through, and I didn't get the best look around. I went ahead and started upstairs since I've already seen everything down here. I looked around downstairs more last night when Alastor went to Mimzy's to retrieve my stuff before I fell asleep, his couch is quite comfy.

 I walked upstairs and I walked past the guest room-my room, I have literally slept in there, there was no need to go inside and check it out when I had already seen it. The next room was Alastor's, I was very hesitant to go inside. I didn't ask to even go in there, and I feel like it would be rude to just go in. 

But he wasn't home, now was he?

So how would he know If I went in there, as long as I don't say anything or touch the stuff in his room, he won't know. As I placed my hand on the doorknob, I began to feel a bit uncertain, perhaps I shouldn't go in. I started to feel something, was it guilt? But I hadn't even done anything yet. Maybe it was my body telling me I shouldn't go in, would I regret it if I did? Is that why I'm feeling like this? I couldn't get it out of my head or the feeling away from me so I let go of the handle and stepped back, I would come back to this room later after I've had some time to decide whether I should actually go inside or not. I didn't go inside his room yesterday when I was looking around either. I walked until I found his office-or his study, whatever you want to call it. 

It was rather spacious in there, I could move freely, but it wasn't gigantic or anything. It was comfortable. It was pretty clean and tidy in there too, aside from the few books and papers that were scattered about. I didn't bother to read anything that was on the papers, but I did look at a few of the books.

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