Chapter 19

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 It had been almost a month since Alex's attack. Getting up seemed like an impossible task. I didn't fall asleep until 3:00 in the morning, I couldn't stop thinking about everything. I suppose I know how Alex was feeling now. 

 I haven't had a good night's sleep in what felt like forever. Not to mention, the image of the dead man was burned into my mind, I couldn't get it out of my mind no matter how much I tried.

 Even when I did manage to fall asleep, nightmares filled my head. Visions of a man with a blacked-out face holding a knife plagued by dreams and reminded me that despite my hope, the chances of finding this killer were slim to none, just like Alastor had said. If they were ever going to, they would've found the killer by now, right? The figure in my head only brought the fear to light that he'd never be found and that I could be next. That anyone could be next.

 Despite not wanting to, I decided to get up. I went to stretch, which led me to accidentally fall out of bed. I laid on the floor for a good minute before getting ready—a perfect start to my day. After getting dressed and fixing myself up, I headed downstairs.

"Good morning," I said as I walked into the kitchen where Alastor was.

"Ah, good morning." He said, turning his head.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, walking over to him.

"Honestly? I slept great." He said.

"What about you, darling?" He asked as I sighed.

"I kept having nightmares about that man that we found, and the killer running loose..I barely got any rest." I said.

"I'm sorry..I'm sure they'll go away soon." He said.


"Well, you look nice today," I said with a smile, changing the subject.

"Thank you." He chuckled.

"Now, you on the other look like you just rolled out of bed, dear." He said.

"That's because I did," I said.

"Oh my, well, you might want to go tidy yourself up before you head to work, sweetheart." He said with a smirk.

"I did."

"You may want to do it again." He said as he pulled a piece of fuzz out of my hair.

"No time. I'm gonna be late, I'll be back later." I said after looking at the clock.

"Wait! Aren't you going to eat something?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No time," I said as I ran out the door and made my way to the Starbell diner.

(Alastor's POV)

I watch her as she bolted out of the door. I still had a good 15-20 minutes until it was time for me to head out as well. I sat down at the table and took my time reading the papers as I sipped my coffee. Midway through reading, the phone went off. I got up and answered.

"Hello, Alastor LeBlanc speaking."

"Alastor! It's Mimzy. You busy at the moment?"

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