Chapter 13

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I have to say, when Mimzy asked me to come visit her speakeasy, I didn't expect to see Y/n there. Seven years pass and then out of the blue, she's here. But I'm so glad she is, it's been so long since I've last seen her, too long. Last night, I told her that she could move in with me.

 It was sort of a spur-of-the-moment decision. And I don't know if it was the right call. Of course I want her to be near me, it's what I've wanted ever since she left. But with my killings, she could make it more difficult. If she finds out, it will definitely alter the way that she sees me. Something I was going to tell her yesterday was to not go into the basement, but that would probably raise some suspicions from her. So instead, I just kept it locked and hid the key in my room. I suppose if she does ask about the locked door, I'll have to come up with some excuse.

 If she finds out, there's no telling what she might do. Any sensible person would go to the police and turn me in. Unless there was some way to convince her not to but the chances of me being able to are slim to none. It's not like people are usually copacetic with the fact that someone they know is a killer, and I don't blame people for that, who would? I mean, besides from Husk and Mimzy. They're the only two that know what I do, the only people who I can trust with such information. I've noticed though, for the past year or so, Mimzy has been getting awfully close. More than I'm really comfortable with. Don't get me wrong, I love Mimzy, but I fear she might not realize in what way. I only see her as a dear friend of mine. For a while, before Y/n came back, I pushed away my feelings. I dismissed them as I felt like she wasn't coming back to New Orleans, and that it was some silly childhood crush. But when I saw her again, those same feelings rushed back to me. I felt like I was sixteen again, but it's been years so why do I still feel like that? And why haven't I felt like this with anyone else? It doesn't make any sense, you would think that after the amount of time that's passed, those feelings would be gone.

 I suppose that's why even though she could be a potential problem, I let her stay with me. I'll just have to hide it from her and be more stealthy when I come home at night. Though, if she sees or hears me coming back late, that might make her ask some questions as well. I'm stuck right now, trying to figure out what to do with this situation, what to do with her. But I'm sure I'll figure it out, I always do. When I got to the station, I saw Caleb. He was lounging around like usual, he always slacks off.

"Alastor, hey." He said when I walked in, he hastily made his way towards me.

"Yes? What is it?" I asked.

"So I heard Y/n's back, huh?" He asked. I haven't even seen her a full day, and word gets around to him that she's here?

"How did you find out?" I asked as I walked over to the room where I do my broadcasts.

"I went over to see Mimzy this morning and she told me. Anyways, where is she staying now?" He asked. If I tell him he might want to see her, I don't need him nor do I want him around. But how am I supposed to avoid his question? It's not like I can say "Nowhere".

"And that concerns you because?" I asked.

"Well, I want to make sure she's fine, that she's saf-"

"She's safe, trust me. Now, please leave. I have to get everything in here settled." I said, cutting him off. I didn't want to keep talking with him, not like I wanted to in the first place.

Not even five minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I pushed myself out of my chair and walked over to the door, I assumed it was Caleb, and I was correct.

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