Chapter 21

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The alarm went off as I shot up, almost forgetting about the little sleeping beauty I had lying on my chest.

"Mhh..Al?" She mumbled as she looked up at me.

"Yes?" I asked, reaching over and turning it off.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"You might want to go get ready, you usually wake up a bit earlier than me," I told her. 

"But you're so warm." She said as I chuckled.

"You wouldn't want to be late, would you?" I asked as she sighed.

"No, I guess not." She said, moving over and sitting up.

"We..could always do this again," I said as she hopped off the bed and stretched.

"Not a bad idea." She said as she headed for the door.

"You might wanna start getting ready too. You wouldn't want to be late, would you?" She tittered. She walked out the room and shut the door.

I followed her advice and got ready, taking longer than usual.

Thinking of last night.

 Things went, well, as perfectly as they could have in my opinion. An easy day at work followed by a nice dinner and a good rest. That may have been the best sleep I've gotten in a while if I'm being honest.

 Of course, I'm not glad that her nightmares returned, I suppose I'm the reason why she has them. They are about me, after all. She just doesn't know that. But her night terrors return led her to sleep in my room with me. She didn't seem to have any while sleeping with me anyway. Maybe she just needed someone near her.

  I offered her a spot in my bed to comfort her but I think she helped me more than I did her. Her being there calmed my nerves, I haven't had the easiest time getting sleep lately. I think it really started after what happened with Alex. I still don't know if he saw me that night, I've started to doubt it, though. He's been persistent in trying to catch The Ripper, me.

 I don't think he would just wait around if he already knew it was me, he has a personal vendetta against me for more than one reason now. But even with that, I've still been a bit anxious when it comes to him. My mind's been cloudy while I've been keeping myself busy with work. Overworking has kept me distracted. And admittedly distant. So I thought it'd be nice to take her out to eat, push work and my worries aside for a night. I started to worry when she began to fall silent, though. Turned out she was only nervous. Before admitting that, I thought maybe I had done something wrong. Just me making things up I suppose. Other than that little scare, the night went quite swell.

After throwing some clothes on and fixing up my appearance, I went down the stairs. I found a cup of coffee on the table, Y/n was nowhere to be found. I assumed she left the coffee for me and went off to work. It was about the time she usually did.

How kind

Today's papers were on the table, I picked them up as I sat down. I skimmed over them as I sipped at my coffee until it was time for me to leave as well.


I went my usual way to work, not really stopping to say hello to anyone on the way there as I was in a hurry. Until I heard a voice call my name, I didn't turn my head because I knew who had called for me. It made me walk faster.

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