Chapter 8

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I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear, but I had started getting used to the alarm so it wasn't much of a surprise for me anymore. I stretched a bit before turning off the alarm and grabbing my glasses, then putting them on. When I woke up, I made sure to pick out something nice to wear. Especially since Y/n would be coming over. When I was living with mother and father, she didn't get to actually come inside my house very often, due to my father and what he would do. When he was at work though, my mother would gladly invite her in. It was then that we could play inside. We would usually hang out either in my room, or in the living room. Sometimes we would even play cards with mother, or she would just sit in the living room and watch us as we played. Y/n would get frustrated with the rules of the card games we would play, so we would switch to board games like checkers.

When I got up out of my bed, I picked out something formfitting to wear to school. I chose a white buttoned up shirt, dark brown suspenders, brown bow tie, black pants, and my regular shoes.

I've been leaving my school bag in my room, instead of the living room where I used to. So, I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

"Alastor? You're awake?" Aunt Mary asked as I made it down the steps.

"Yes, and good morning. I'm about to go to school." I said.

"Good morning, are you hungry? You should eat before leaving." She said.

"No, i'm not hungry right now. Besides, I took a little more time that usual to get ready so I should probably get going." I said.

"Hm, alright. I'll have some food ready when you get home then. Have a good day at school, i'm excited to meet that friend of yours too." She said, I smiled a little.

"I'm sure you'll love her. Now, I gotta go. Bye Aunt Mary!" I said before going out the front door. I heard her muffled goodbye's as I began my walk on the way to school.


Since I speed walked, I made it to school early enough to have a few minutes before class to talk to Y/n.

"Hi, Al." She said as I sat down.

"Ah, Good morning. H-" I said as Caleb walked over and rudely interrupted me.

"Hey Y/n, Hey Alastor." He said, leaning his elbow on my desk.

"Hello, Caleb." I said, annoyed. Not even going to apologize to me?

"Hi Caleb, you need something?" She asked as he nodded.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the park with me after school." He said.

"Oh sorry, I can't. Another time, maybe?" She said as he sighed.

"Yeah, alright." He said, walking away and sitting down.

"Sorry about that, what were you saying?" She asked.

"I was just asking how you slept." I said as small smile formed on her face.

"I slept well, you?" She asked as I nodded.

"I did too. Oh also, what did your mom say? You did ask, right?" I asked.

"Mhm, yeah. Of course I did, but she said no." She said as the smile on my face was replaced with a frown.

"Kidding! Hehehe she said yes." She said as I chuckled a little bit.

"I-" I tried to talk, interrupted twice in the span of a few minutes? Not very nice.

"No more talking, class." The teacher said as I slouched in my chair.

"Today, we wont be doing anything too difficult. Just a little bit of math, a group reading and writing assignment, and then we'll be reading a few chapters of a book. Sound good everyone?" She asked as the class replied with "Yes" in unison.

𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊||Human! Alastor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now