Chapter 6

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4 years later, 1912

I heard branches moving, leaves rustling. Hm, could he..

Ah! The trees, why didn't I think to look up?

"Alastor..I'm going to find you! You better have found a good tree to hide in~" I called out, I know that he heard me. If he was around, surely i was loud enough for him to hear me.

I walked and looked up into the trees. He wasn't there, hows that possible? Did I not look hard enough?

Something, or someone, grabbed my ankle. Hmph, I even fell and tripped. Who's responsible for doing that?

"Hey!-Alastor? I thought you were hiding in a tree? I heard twigs and leaves moving." I said, it turns out that the culprit for my fall was the little brunette, who I was playing hide and seek with.

"Nope, you guessed wrong~" He was taunting me. I hopped up and back onto my feet.

"I was in that bush." He said while pointing.

"Well..Game change! Tag you're it!" I said, I touched his shoulder as I ran away before he could fully realize what I had said.

"Hey that's no fair! I'm still gonna catch you though~" He said with a laugh as he chased after me.

We were playing in the forest that was behind our houses. He even had a small fort that he said that he built himself in there. It wasn't very large but we could both fit in there. The fort wasn't the best either but I mean, he's only twelve. How good could a wooden fort get? It was pretty good by my standards anyways. He only just showed me the fort a month or two ago.

"Yeah. You can try!" I yelled back at him.

Even with my head start though, he was still better at tag. And he was wayy better at running, he was much faster than me. I felt like a fool thinking that I could outrun him. It's not like i've ever been able to, not yet at least.

"Got you." He said as he tapped me.

"How are you so fast? You beat me every single time. And I even had a head start this time!" I said, I crossed my arms.

"Not too sure." He said with a smug grin.

(Alastors pov)

I spotted something, a flower to be exact. It was so pretty, it was even beautiful. It was f/c, Y/n's favorite color. It's odd though, it was a single flower. It was just sitting there all by itself. Of course there were other flowers nearby but none of them were the same color as this one. It was the odd one out of the bunch.

Its strange, but intriguing. I stepped away from her which made her a little confused. I plucked the flower and walked back over, holding it up and placing it gently in her hair.

"Awe, thank you." She said with blush on her cheeks.

That was a week ago, if only she knew what would happen to me, what would happen to my parents. Last night, I killed my mother and father. I didn't want to kill my mother, no, not at all. I regret doing it. If I could take back my actions, believe me, I would. I would take them back in a heartbeat, I know it's only been less than a day that she's been gone but I miss her, I miss her so, so much.

I want her here with me, i've never cried this much before. Well, last night I was crying my eyes out. Right now I just feel empty, I think I drained my eyes. I don't even think I can cry at the moment. But if I hadn't been so-if I just hadn't dropped the gun, she would still be here. She always did know how to make me feel better but now I have to pull myself together. So much happened just last night.

𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊||Human! Alastor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now