Chapter One

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Ghost and Soap ran through the warehouse while trying to avoid the insurgents that were currently hunting them. They turned a corner and saw figures in front of them; Ghost lifted his rifle, ready to shoot and kill.

"Wow, Ghost. It's us." Price muttered to him. "Good to see you still alive." Price looked at them both.

"Likewise, Cap," Soap said just as they heard shouting heading towards them. "That will be our cue to leave." Soap motioned away from the voices, and the four nodded and began to run to the exit. But they were cut off when five men appeared in front of it with their weapons trained on the four.

"Back," Gaz called, signaling them to head back the way they came. But when he turned around, men were appearing from behind the shelves.

"Shit, this is not good." Price said as the four moved their weapons around them, but they were surrounded.

"Give up; you've lost." A man said as he appeared behind his men. He wore a light blue collar shirt with the top few buttons left undone, formal black trousers paired with Italian leather shoes.  The four didn't say anything as the silence began to become deafening.

"Captain Price, what do we do?" Gaz said anxiously as they continued to try and have their rifles trained on the enemy surrounding them.

"I need you to trust me on this one." Price spoke to them as he placed his weapon on the floor and dropped his knees with his hands in the air.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Soap hissed at him, and Price just looked at him.

"Do you trust me?" Price spoke to him; Soap hesitated and looked at Gaz, who sighed. They removed their rifle and placed them on the floor.

"Ghost, don't do this." Price growled at him as Ghost stood fast. He would never surrender or even act like it. The man laughed before pulling a pistol from his back belt and walking over to Ghost.

"Why do you listen to your Captian, huh." He said Ghost held his weapon against him in a relaxed position. His eyes watched the man stop before him; he was a few centimeters shorter than Ghost and considerably skinnier.

"Kneel," The man spat at Ghost as he placed the pistol's muzzle against the front of his skull mask. "Fine," he muttered. He just about pulled the trigger, and one of his men yelled in pain before dropping dead to the ground.

"What the hell," the man yelled as a long thin object whistled through the air and landed in another of the men. This happened for around five of the men in rapid succession. "Who the hell is there!" the man yelled before turning to the men, "find who the fuck that is and kill them!" He screamed, and just as one of the men in front of him nodded, a small dagger flew into his neck. Another and another followed him.

"Price, was this your plan?" Gaz asked as they reached for their weapons. The men were distracted by the unknown threat that they forgot about the four men. Ghost took out one, as did the others with quick trigger pulls. Leaving three men and the formally dressed man.

"It most certainly was not." Price answered just as Ghost lifted his rifle to take out the last three. But before he could, a figure dropped from the ceiling above them, landing directly on top of two of the men. She pulled out blades from each of their back, and the blade then retracted itself back into the figure's wrists. The figure tumbled into a front roll and, when they landed back onto their feet, launched a dagger at the last man. It landed directly into his heart, killing him instantly. The four watched the figures skillfully.

"Oh shit!" the formally dressed man cried as he noticed a metal emblem flash in the light. "no, no, no, no." He rambled as he turned to run away from the figure. The figure pressed something on its right wrist and aimed it at the man. A small dart flew from it and landed directly into the fleeing man's neck. It only took a moment for it to work, and he dropped to the floor.

The figure walked over to the unconscious man and flipped him over, so he was on his back. The figure grabbed his ankle and began to pull him out of the warehouse.

"Not so fast." Ghost said, appearing in front of the figure—the other three surrounding them from different sides and the rear.

"Who the hell are you?" Price asked from their right side. Ghost took this chance to scan the figure over.

They had a dark blue-black hood with a pointed edge over the forehead. The hood was a part of a cotton jacket with a thick belt around the waist with daggers all around. Some of the digger holders were empty. Hooked onto their left hip hung a folded bow and on their back a small quiver of arrows, now half empty. A pistol sat in a black leg holster on their right leg, and a pouch on their left sat over a black pair of combat trousers. The figure wore black combat boots with two large daggers seated at the top of them. On her knees were strapped on pads with a metal front of them. The figure had leather things on its forearm that contained various things. But Ghost didn't know what.

"Get out of my way." The figure hissed without a tone of fear. It was clear to the men that whoever this was, was a woman. Ghost's eyes snapped up to look at their face as he was positive he had heard that voice before. But her face was covered by a mask that sat just under her eyes. It was a metal mask that looked to have inbuilt filters on the sides. The hood came down just past her eyes so only she could see.

"We need him." Soap told the woman.

"You are getting involved in things way beyond you." The woman muttered to him in a threatening manner. "So I suggest you forget this encounter even happened." She turned around to grab the unconscious man's ankle again. As she did, the silver metal emblem flashed in the light.

"Wait," Price babbled, "I've seen that emblem. It's not of any country."

"As I said, this is bigger than you. It's better to think I was never here." The woman said before dragging the man again. But Ghost slung his rifle behind him and reached to grab her arm. The woman instantly let go of the man and twisted around, so she was now behind Ghost. She pulled his arm down and connected her elbow with his chin. This sent him to the floor with a heavy thud.

"God damn it," The woman hissed at Ghost. "Do you have a damn death wish?"

"I remember now! The Creed of Assassins." Price spoke out loud. "but what do they what with a low criminal like this."

"He is involved in something much bigger than you realize, Captain Price." The woman told him. "I watch you all enter the building. I watched you in your attack and capture." the woman said as Ghost stood up, holding his chin.

"But the assassins do not leave anyone left alive. So why did you save us?" Price asked.

"We do not kill the good, only those who are evil." The woman told them.

"and how do you know we are not?" Soap asked curiously.

"I know you guys better than you realize."

"Who are you?" Gaz asked. The woman sighed and dropped her gaze to the floor.

"I'm going to get in so much bother for this. But look at this all; your assistance will be helpful." The woman said as she reached up and disconnected her mask. She pulled down her hood to show her short brown wavy hair that sat a few inches above her shoulders. Then their eyes met.

"What the fuck," Price muttered in shock.

"That's impossible!" Soap yelled as Ghost stepped forward, hurt in his eyes.


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