Chapter Thirty-Three

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Soap moved up to the next door and pushed it open with Grimes and Price behind him. But just as he opened the door, a shot was fired at Soap, causing him to swear, duck and return fire. Luckily his aim was far better than the enemy's. Soap continued taking the lead, Grimes on his shoulder and Price on hers, as they made their way through the next server room. 

"Clear!" Grimes yelled out as she reloaded her weapon once more.

"Negative on Hassan," Soap called back, confirming they still had no eyes on him.

"All stations, Negative on target, moving to control room, now." Price called down the comms as he stood next to Grimes.

"Flashes left," Grimes muttered as she reached into the box and pulled out two flash-bangs. As if they had been left out for them. They stacked up at the door with Grimes on Soap's shoulder and Price on the other side. 

" Control room isn't far." Price muttered to them as Soap reached forwards and took the handle. "Move." Price instructed, and Soap pushed the door open. 

Grimes pulled the pin in a flash and went into the room behind the door. They waited for the bangs before they rushed in, shooting down the enemies inside. It was a lot easier to take them down when they were disorientated. Grimes tapped Soap's shoulder as they pushed forward to signal that she was behind him. But just as they entered, smoke began to fill the room.

"Shit, smoke!" Soap yelled as he dropped to a knee. Grimes had her weapon above his head, pointing forward and waiting for someone to appear from the thick smoke. 

"Riot shields!" Grimes yelled as she reached around her belt and pulled a semtex out. She pulled the pin out with her teeth and threw it perfectly at the riot shield's feet. Seconds later, the explosion sent the riot shield man flying. "Pushing!" Grimes yelled as she stepped to the side of Soap and moved around the corner to see another man with a riot shield coughing. She quickly fired several rounds into him while he was distracted. They made quick work of all the visible enemies in the room.

"Ammo here!" Soap yelled out, catching Grimes's attention; she only had one mag left, so it was a good thing he found a small stash. She grabbed what she could fit, plus one extra for safety. 

"At the control room. Stack up." Price called out as Soap and Grimes stacked up behind him. Price reached around and pulled a sledgehammer from his back to bash in the door. He battered in the door and quickly stepped back before putting the hammer back onto his back, ready to be used again. They could hear chatter from the room but not from physical people. It sounded more like a recording than anything. They pushed into the control room only to find it empty. They quickly moved interior to sweep the room to ensure no one was hiding behind anything. 

"Clear!" Everyone yelled out.

"Visual on the control room." Price spoke to the others as Grimes walked over to the window and looked out and down. 

"Damn," She muttered at seeing how high it was.

"All stations, negative on Hassan. Control room is a dry hole." Price called out over the comms informing the other teams. "Ghost, you got anything?" 

"Afirm. Possible visual. Forty-sixth floor." Ghost answered him.

"Copy, we're moving." Price said as he pulled out a charge and placed it onto the frame of the windows. Grimes and Soap planted charges on their windows and waited for Price's signal. Blowing the glass out from the frame, leaving a hole with wind assaulting the room. 

"Hook up, you two." Price spoke as he wrapped his rope around the frame between the two broken windows. "Entry point is four levels down. "

"All Bravo. Five is making entry on floor forty." Gaz's voice sounded over the radio as they hooked up and stepped out of their windows. Grimes looked to either of her sides to see the two men standing on their descent. 

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