Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Shadows blocking the way." Ghost called out as they moved towards the entrance of the prison. 

"Let's send 'em to hell and get inside." Soap said, appearing to the left of Grimes. She gave him a quick nod in acknowledgement. Soap and Grimes lead the way, with Ghost just behind Grimes and Rudy just behind Soap. 

"Soap drop the right," Grimes spoke lowly as she and Soap trained their weapons on one of the two Shadows ahead. 

"All clear," Rudy called as they quickly moved to the metal green doors. Soap tried to open them only to find them locked. 

"We'll need to breach it." Rudy stated as they looked around; Grimes looked over to Ghost, who shook his head.

"No, Rudy." Ghost spoke before nodding his head at the door. "Knock." Grimes stood behind Soap on the right side of the door while Ghost was behind Rudy on the other. Rudy switched weapons to his pistol before knocking on the door. Moments later, the door opened, and Rudy pulled the Shadow out before shooting him and making his entrance through the now-open door. Ghost followed the Soap, with Grimes following up the rear. 

"Time to go loud; they know we are here," Grimes called as they rushed out into the main cell area.

"Enemies on the second deck!" Rudy called out while firing at them. Bullets rained down, some ricocheting off things. 

"Soap, Grimes, We'll keep 'em busy up top. Press forward!" Rudy called out as Grimes tapped Soap's shoulder, signalling she was behind him. They moved forward while Soap aimed his rifle and fired. 

"Out," Soap called before lifting his weapon and stepping slightly to the right to allow Grimes to step forward and shoot in his place while he dropped behind her. He quickly changed his mag before Grimes's mag ran out. She followed exactly what Soap had done and dropped back to allow him to fire. 

"Shit, Frag!" Grimes yelled as a frag appeared just at her feet. She reached down and picked up while Soap took a knee, continuing to lay down fire as Grimes threw the frag right back to the Shadows. They took down a couple more Shadows before they made it to the stairs at the other side of the room. They quickly began their way up the stairs to the next floor.

"Alejandro is on this floor off to the right." Rudy explained as they moved onto the landing. 

"Expect contact." Ghost spoke as he appeared on Grimes's right side. Just as they both rounded the corner, two Shadows came into view. "Light 'em up!" Ghost yelled as they fired several rounds at them, taking them down quickly.

"There's Alejandro's cell." Rudy said, looking at the door with the number one on its right side. "Open it up; I'll cover you." Ghost pulled out a pair of bolt cutters, ready to take out the lock. 

"Grimes, When I pop this  lock, you push in." Ghost told her as she nodded at him before standing in front of the door frame, ready to move. "This is what we came for." Ghost nodded to her as he cut the lock. Grimes reached out and pulled open the door before entering, ready for anything. 

"Alejandro?" Grimes called out just as she was grabbed from her right side as soon as she entered the door. She could tell straight away that it was Alejandro; he grabbed her and pinned her to the wall before returning his right fist, ready to punch. "It's me, hermano!" Grimes called out, ready to duck if she needed to. But Rudy rushed in and grabbed his fist, placing a hand on his chest to calm him. 

"Coronel, relájese. Somos nosotros." (Colonel, relax. it's us) Rud told him. This snapped him out of his trance as his gaze moved to Rudy, and he visibly relaxed.

"Grimes," Alejandro smiled happily as he turned to look at the others, "Soap, Rudy, Ghost."

"Didn't think we'd leave you, did you?" Soap called as he and Alejandro reached out to take hands as a greeting. 

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