Chapter Nineteen

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Grimes let go of Soap in an alleyway of Las Almas, and he hit the ground huffing, followed by Grimes. She rolled over onto her side and moved her hand to feel where the pain was coming from. When she moved her hand out, she saw it was covered in red liquid.

"Fuck," She muttered breathlessly. She looked at Soap, holding a nasty scrape on his shoulder. "Soap, I need you to check if it's a through and through," Grimes told him as he looked at her. 

"Shit, Grimes." He muttered as he moved to her and helped her sit against the wall. He didn't know she had been shot, and she had carried him down the hill. "It's a through and through." 

"Thank fuck." Grimes muttered as Soap. Grimes huffed as she scrunched her face in pain from the bullet wounds. "It looks like it's missed on vital organs. We need to control the blood loss."

"Check upstairs; I'll check in the back." A shadow's voice echoed through the quiet streets as the rain poured down. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

"Heads up for the Brits." One called out again. Soap began flicking through radio stations to find the first clear line, hoping that Ghost and Will would be on the other end. 

"This is Brave7-1, in the blind. How Copy?" He asked down the comms only to receive static. "Ghost, this is 7-1. Do you copy?" He asked again, yet still nothing. 

"Fuck, where are you Ghost." Soap hissed as Grimes shook her head.

"We need to move," Grimes muttered as she began to force herself to stand up. But as soon as she was on her feet, she stumbled. Just before she hit the ground, Soap caught her, keeping her barely standing. "You need to go; I'll only slow you down." Grimes shook her head as she placed one hand on the wall.

"Out of the question." Soap told her.

"Soap, I can barely move." Grimes hissed quietly at him as Soap glared at her. 

"I am not leaving you to die again." Soap growled back at her, "I will fucking carry you if I must." 

"Soap, this is Ghost. How copy?" Ghost's voice called over their comms, causing Soap to sigh with relief. Soap had to let go of Grimes to answer him, "Johnny?" Ghost asked as he had no answer quick enough.

"Solid." Soap replied to him quickly as Grimes let out another small groan of pain.

"Thought we lost you." Ghost spoke, "Grimes?"

"Peachy," Grimes replied to him through her breath. 

"You injured?" Ghost asked the both of them as GRimes composed herself to stand up again.

"I'm good, just a graze." Soap began before looking back at Grimes. "But Grimes took a hit, right side, abdomen, through and through.

"I'm good, just a wee scratch," Grimes told him as she now stood next to him. 

"Keep your blood in; you'll need every drop." Ghost joked down the comms. 

"Ha ha, very fucking funny." Grimes faked a laugh as Soap led the way down the street out of the alley. "Soap, you'll need these," Grimes told him as she handed him four small daggers. "If we go loud, we're fucked." 

"Rodger," Soap said, taking the metal blades; they were thin and no longer than six inches. Perfect for both wielding and throwing. Grimes held a dagger in her right hand while her left held the front of her wound to try and stem the bleeding as much as possible. But she still had an injury on her back with no compression. 

"We gotta move fast, but in the shadows." She told Soap as they hugged the wall on the side of the road. 

"Ghost, what's your location?" Grimes called down the comms; they needed to know where they had to meet them.

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