Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Price and Gaz grabbed under both her shoulders to lift her onto the platform. With the two men pulling her, she weights next to nothing as they moved her to sit with her back against the wall just across from where she zipped up. She held her hand against her wound as it bled through the stitches. 

"You good?" Gaz asked her as she nodded at him, slightly out of breath. 

"Am good." She told him as he gave a half smirk to her. 

"Good, can't have you dying a second time on my watch." Price joked as he stood up and turned to help the others up along with Gaz. Soap was first followed by Ghost to his right. 

"Sergeant MacTavish," Price grumbled, happy to see Soap's face again.

"Good to see you again, Captain." Soap smiled back at him. They had another few nods while they spoke each other's names in a hello way. 

"How'd you know we were here?" Soap asked as Ghost walked over and knelt next to Grimes.

"Laswell," Gaz told him.

"Soon as Shepherd went dark, she called us." Price explained as they watched Alejandro zip up.

"Laswell, still solid as a rock." Ghost spoke in a cheerful voice. They still had friends out there that have their back. Soap helped Alejandro onto the platform.

"Colonel Vargas, meet Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick." Soap introduced them

"Thanks for the assist," He said, nodding to them, grateful for their help, "My men need covering fire." 

"Gaz, Soap, Ghost -overwatch- now!" Price ordered them, and they moved without a second thought. Ghost tapped Grimes's knee before moving. They began to lay down fire from above, sending everything they had and setting off the last of the charges Grimes had planted. 

"Sister," Will called as he moved to take Ghost's position next to her. He moved her hand out of the way to see her wound. "Once we are back at base, we will need to restitch." 

"Thought as much." She hissed as Will placed her hand gently back to apply pressure. "I swear when I get my hands on Graves, he will live up to his fucking name!" Just as she finished talking, shots flew past their heads as shadows appeared in the tower to their right. Grimes didn't think as she reached for Will's pistol in his legs holster while he moved to cover her with his body. 

"Shitting mother fucker." Grimes hissed as she moved the pistol under Will's arm and aimed the best she could, emptying the mag and killing two shadows.

"Soap if there's weapons in that tower, use 'em!" Price told him once all visible Shadows were down. Soap them rushed over to the tower only to reappear with a grenade launcher. 

"That's that ticket!" Grimes chuckled deeply as Soap began to fire the launcher downwards. 

"Snipers on the roof!" Price also yelled as Alejandro's men began to make their way up the rope. "Ghost, get Grimes ready to move!" Price ordered, "Will, I need you to take the snipers out with Soap." 

"We are good to go, Colonel!" Rudy called to Alejandro as the last of the men were up. 

"Let's get the fuck out of here, hermanos." 

"Down the wall!" Price yelled as they continued covering fire while the rope was used. "We are leaving!" Price called in a manner that left no argument. Ghost and Alejandro helped Grimes up to grab the rope. 

"You got this?" Alejandro asked Grimes, who just nodded at him, preparing herself for a lot of pain. Without hesitation, she pushed back. Trying her hardest to control her descent while the pain ripped through her. She didn't focus on how close the ground was, but lucky for her. Rudy and another man were waiting at the bottom for her. They caught Grimes in a way to cushion her fall as much as possible. Ghost was next down as he moved to pick Grimes up, who was currently trying to control her pain by not breathing. 

"Not breathing will kill you faster than that wound." Ghost disciplined her as he carried her to the back of a vehicle. Once 141 were in their vehicle with Will, Price instructed Gaz to drive off. The way they had got in, Grimes sat with her back against Ghost's chest and his legs on either side. His large hand cupped hers and pressed extra strength onto her wound, not enough to hurt but enough to help. While his other held his rifle. 

"Shepherd burned us." Ghost spat out in anger.

"He sent Graves and his Shadows to kill us and round up Los Vaqueros." Soap added his venom in as well. 

"We know why," Price told them. 

"Laswell did a bit of digging," Gaz added from the front.

"What did she find?" Ghost asked as Grimes focused on her breathing. 

"The truth." Price told them. Price then explained how the Shadows were transporting the missiles of the books for Shepherd. He explained how the Russians learned that the missiles were American and gave them to Hassan. 

"Slimy bag of shit." Soap spat out with so much venom behind his words. 

"We got too close to finding out the truth; that's why they tried to kill you." Price explained, it all finally making sense in their heads. Soap turned to look at Grimes, whose head was tilted forward with her chin touching her chest. Her right hand sat limply on her thigh; he'd seen this before. Memories flashed through his mind causing anxiety to rinse through his bloodstream. Almost like he had just jumped into the waters of Antarctica. 

"Grimes?!" He half yelled as he reached out and shook her leg closest to him. Ghost moved his head to look down at her from behind as he reached his left hand to her forehead. 
He brought her head back into his shoulder to see no expression on her face. Price moved over to place two fingers on her neck and pressed for a pulse. 

"She's good. The pain must have gotten her." Price confirmed, causing everyone to relax. But Ghost kept her head back on his shoulder as he continued to press on her wound. He wanted to whisper in her ear, saying it would be okay and that they were nearly at the base. But the van was small, and the other would hear. So he settled by moving his head slightly to press his cheek onto her hair and letting out a heavy sigh of relief. He closed his eyes briefly as if thanking whatever, and all Gods were looking out for them all.

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