Chapter Thirty

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Grimes wasn't sure how long it had been since they left. She didn't have her daggers on her because they had been attending to her wound, so she had nothing to cut the zip tie. She had managed to slide down to sit on the ground, but because there was a bit of metal connecting the pipe to the wall, her hand was slightly above her head. 

"Yo, Amigo!" She called out to the man they left 'guarding' her. The door opened, and the man walked in; he was young but had a few scares here and there on his face. His structure was similar to Gaz's. 

"Si, Hermana?" He asked as he looked at her. Grimes sighed; she hated what she was about to say to this man.

"You have two options. You give me my daggers so I can cut this stupid shit off my wrist. Or I break my hand to get it off." She told him in a low tone. 

"Hermana, I'm sorry. But I was told you are not allowed to leave."

"My arm is going numb because of the height." Grimes reasoned with him. "So one way or another, I'm getting it out. Your choice." She shrugged at him. He looked like he was in a debate within his mind as Grimes sighed. "Fine," She said and reached up to grab her thumb. She took a deep breath, and just as she was about to pull, the man piped up.

"¡Parar!" He yelled as he turned around, "Jodido infierno." He muttered under his breath as he left the room. He reappeared a moment later with her weapons and placed them at her feet.

"Gracias, amigo," Grimes spoke as she reached for a dagger. She quickly cut the zip tie, and as soon as her wrist was released, she dropped the dagger and rubbed the area the zip tie was. 

"What's your name?" Grimes asked him as he watched her. 

"Alex," He told her as she nodded and stood up. She grabbed her weapons and placed them on the small table in the room. 

"Alex, relax. It's not like I can go and help them now. They will be finished by the time I get there." Grimes told him as she put her weapons back on. Her wound started to sting a little as she did, not used to the weight on her waist. 

"Hermana, may I ask a question?" Alex asked her with a curious tone in his voice. 

"Of course," 

"What is it like being an Assassin?" 

"Hard," Grimes told him honestly. "An assassin must do what they can to protect the world and everyone on it. That is our duty when we wear this symbol." She said, motioning to the symbol on her waist belt. "I have found myself doing questionable things. Things I am not proud of." 

"What kind of things?" Alex asked, wanting to know more.

"If I weren't an Assassin, in some countries, I would be imprisoned for life and in others..." She started and looked at Alex. "Hung." There was a deafening silence that fell over them. "The life of an assassin is not glorious; while I take pride in wearing the symbol, I also take shame in some of my actions." 

"But you have nothing to be shameful for, Hermana," Alex said softly. "You are protecting innocent people. You are making the enemies scared of the dark so that others can live in the light," Alex told her, which caused Grimes to chuckle. "What?" Alex asked, confused at her chuckle.

"Nothing, Someone once said something similar to me many years ago." Grimes told him, "We get dirty, and the world stays clean." Grimes remembered Price's words to her; Grimes looked over at Alex with a soft smile, "That's the mission."  

"Wise words," Alex nodded. 

"that they are, now," Grimes said, turning to face Alex with all her weapons. Making her feel whole again. "Let's grab a drink while we wait for them." 

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