Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Watcher-1 to Bravo-6 Actual. Perimeter is secure. We have a possible hit on the missile container. We're moving in now." Laswell called out over Grimes's comms.

"Solid Copy," Price yelled, "All bravo, move to set. We're on." Price continued as he looked over at Soap and then Grimes with a nod to them.

"0-5 Copies all." Gaz said, "Bravo 6-2 is twenty seconds from the target building. Intel reports multiple AQ inside.

"Ghost, get to your overwatch," Price ordered as Grimes watched his heli turn off from their two. Her eyes scanned as she sat on the edge of the heli, looking down. She then saw the speed boat where Gaz and several other marines were. 

"Floor 56 is our primary objective. It's well fortified with limited access." Price explained as they moved closer to the building. "Hassan maybe be holed up there." 

"Copy," Soap and Grimes muttered at the same time.

"Let's nail this bastard once and for all." Soap nodded to Price as the Heli moved upwards to land on one side of the target building. The sun setting over Chicago was stunning. The light blue and soft pink was a perfect backdrop for the bustling city. So many people went about their daily lives, completely unaware that a deadly missile was hiding in their city. Grimes pulled in a deep breath, relishing the calm before the storm. 

"Move!" Price yelled as soon as the Heli touched down. The three of them jumped off and made their way over to the edge of the building. "Bravo-6, moving to hook point." 

"Copy 5 is set at the ground floor," Gaz called back as Price looked over the edge of the building. 

"Soap, Grimes. Hook up." Price told them, looking at the two anchor points on the wall. "Ghost, we're set. You have eyes on?" 

"Affirm, flashing now." Ghost called over the comms as Grimes and Soap stood ready to rappel.

"Copy, we have visual,"  Grimes called as she watched the flash from Ghost to signal his location to them. "What've you got?" 


" Hostages," Price corrected Ghost

"Hassan's buyin' time." Soap said as he looked at Grimes. They then started to lower themselves to walk down the building. 

"You guys clear all threats. Bravo-3 secures the hostages." Price's voice sounded over their comms. "RV on the target floor."

"Two x-rays below." Soap muttered as they stopped just above the window. 

"Reposition if you need." Ghost told them, "You're clear to engage.

"I got left," Grimes spoke to Soap as they lined up their rifles.

"I got right." Soap responded, confirming. "Fire," Soap called, and they shot the two men dead.

"Clear!" Ghost told them as Soap and Grimes moved further to look inside. "Bravo-3, five-five secure.

"Copy, floor five-five making entry." A marines voice sounded over the comms as Grimes watched two marines rushing into the room they were looking in. 

"Bravo has locked it down, you two. Move." Ghost told them as they made their way down the building again. "Four x-rays ahead. Three in the room, one in the hallway."

"I'll take left again," Grimes spoke,

"Rog." Soap agreed as they lined up their rifles and fired down the targets. The targets managed to fire several rounds at the pair but missed, thankfully. 

"We're clear. " Ghost called.

"Soap, sit-rep?" Price asked as they continued their way down the building again. 

"One floor to go." 

"Copy, in position on the target deck." Price informed him. They both reloaded their rifles as they slowly made their way to the last window. 

"Five x-rays on the next floor. Three moving. Two stationary." Ghost gave they the information they would need. "Get a visual before you engage."

"You take the two stationary. I'll get the movers." Grimes told Soap.

"Stealing all the fun, are we?" Soap chuckled as they moved to visual and lined up. 

"We all know I'm the better shot, Soap." Grimes fired back as she glanced over at him briefly with a smile. "On my three," Grimes said, looking back and lining up her shots. She counted to three, and they opened fire, taking them out quickly. Once the floor was clear, the marines moved in to secure the room once again.

"Price, all hostages secure." Soap called out as they both reloaded their weapons. 

"Copy, rally on the server floor." Price answered back as Grimes looked down and saw the floor in question not too far to their left. Grimes watched as Price placed a charge on the window to break it for them to enter. 

"Charge is set. Get clear." Price yelled down the comms as Grimes took an extra step back. The charge went off, and the window was no longer there. Pieces of paper flew out as Grimes and Soap made their way to the entrance. Grimes was the first to push off the building so she could safely enter the server room. 

"Watcher-1, we're on the target floor. What's your status?" Price asked as Grimes unhooked herself and Soap unhooked as well. Just as he did, a large rumbling noise sounded through the building. "Laswell, what the hell was that?" 

"John, the missile is active; it's in first stage. Be advised- controls are not in the container. " Laswell called rather worried down the comms as Price, Soap, and Grimes made their way to a closed door ready to breach. 

"That means Hassan has them." Price remarked as they stacked up. "We're pushing into the target area now. Out."

"We need those controls." Soap stated the obvious,

"Let's hope Hassan's here," Grimes said as Price opened the door and pushed in with his rifle, Soap and then Grimes followed him. They could hear men shouting around them as they took some out they had visual on. Grimes moved down the servers while shooting down one of the targets. 

She was caught off guard slightly when a man appeared from her right. Too close to move her rifle, the man pushed her into the servers to her left, hitting them with a grunt. The man wrapped his hands around her throat and squeezed tightly. Grimes's hands reached up and grabbed his wrists while trying to fight for air. The man was too strong for her to peel his hands away, so she dropped her right hand and pulled a dagger from her belt. She stabbed it into the man's stomach, causing him to release her neck. Grimes drew in a deep breath as she kicked her foot forward, sending the man flying back and smacking his head on the ground hard. 

"Grimes, you good?" Price asked as he rounded the corner to see the man moving on the ground. Price quickly put a round into him as he saw him reach for a weapon. 

"Yeah, all good, Cap." Grimes nodded to him, taking control of her rifle once more. 

"Clear!" Soap called out as they moved towards the exit of the room.

"Negative on Hassan," Price spoke as Grimes reloaded her rifle behind him. "Move up." 

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