Chapter Eighteen

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It was late by the time they arrived back at Alejandro's base. The rain had decided to pour down on them. The one time Grimes wanted the heat. The convoy of three trucks pulled to a stop outside of Alejandros base. 

"What the hell?" Alejandro asked as he jumped out of the seat. Graves and some Shadows got out of the lead car as Alejandro walked up towards Graves. "What's this?" He asked, confused.

"This is the immediate future." Graves told him just as Everyone else got out of the trucks. Grimes and Soap stood beside each other behind Alejandro as Ghost stood on the other side of the vehicle. Ghost eyes up the Shadows, who were slowly reaching for their weapons. "Step away from the gates." Graves ordered them.

"What?" Soap asked, stunned out of words. Grime sighed heavily as she knew this would happen.

"You heard me." Graves told Soap.

"You're crazy; this is my base," Alejandro spoke, noting wanting to believe what was happening. He wanted to believe it was a joke.

"It's not a base," Graves shook his head. "This is a sizeable covert facility, and I admire it." Graves began as he bobbed his head. "So, I'm taking it. You boys have been relieved," GRave nodded to them before looking at Will, who stood next to Ghost and Grimes. 

"Assassins, thank you for your service." Graves nodded to them.

"No, no. no, I don't take orders from you," Alejandro spoke up. His voice became deadly, now realising Graves was serious.

"Didn't Valeria say that?" Graves asked, stepping closer to Alejandro. "Now that makes me wonder what else I don't know about your affiliation with a drug lord?" Alejandro smiled and let out a frustrated sigh.

"What the fuck did you just say to me, pendejo?" Alejandro spoke deeply in a threatening tone as he stalked forward with a smile on his face. 

"You're out of line, Graves." Soap raised his voice, rushing forward to try and get in between Graves and Alejandro. 

"Don't do that. Don't," Grave said, stepping back and pointing at Soap, "Do that." Graves said as he shook his head. "No one needs to get hurt here." 

"Are you threatening us?" Ghost asked, having not moved from his position. Grimes took a step forward.

"Soldier, I don#t make threats." Graves answered him, "I make guarantees. So let's not do this." 

"I would think long and hard about this, Graves," Grimes told him as he looked at her with a smile, and he chuckled.

"Or what? You'll continue to try and hunt me." Graves asks her, "I know all about your little group of killers trying to hunt me." 

"That ivory tower can't protect you forever," Grimes growled at him.

"I'm calling Shepherd." Soap said as he turned away from Graves.

"General Shepherd sends his regards." Soap stopped walking when he heard Graves speak. "He told me y'all wouldn't take this well."

"He knows about this?" Ghost asked, surprised that he sanctioned this. Grimes was not; it finally made sense how she could never pin him down. Shepherd was making all her evidence disappear. Grimes turned her head to look at Will, who had also done the same. They finally got the piece they were missing.

"He's put me in command of this operation from here on out." Graves looked at them all, trying to judge their next reaction, "So y'all need to stand down. It's time to let the pros finish this. Why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of negotiation? It's not." Graves began to raise his voice, now getting pissed off at them for not leaving. "I've got my orders, and now you have yours." 

"And who the fuck do you think you are, cabrón?" Alejandro glared at him while still moving closer to him. "My men are inside!" He yelled at him.

"I'm afraid not, your men," Graves stopped while thinking of a word. He moved his mouth before smirking slightly, "Detained." This was enough to send Alejandro over the edge. 

"Cabrón!" He yelled as he rushed at Graves, who pushed him into the side of the truck. Another Shadow stepped forward and pinned Alejandro to the truck as Graves stepped back.

" Graves, what the fuck?!" Soap yelled, stepping forward as Alejandro's hands were zip-tied behind his back. Graves lifted his weapon to Soap, and the Shadow next to him did the same but fired several shots at Soap. 

"Soap!" Grimes yelled as she lunged forward. Soap grabbed a Shadow that stood next to him and used him as a shield. Grimes pulled a dagger from her belt and chucked it at the Shadow, who fired at Soap. She reached for another to chuck at Graves. But before she could, Graves opened fire on her. She dropped to the ground as Ghost pulled a knife as well as Will and killed off the Shadows around them. Alejandro managed to get his hands around a shadow's throat with them cuffed and tried to strangle him. This caught Graves's attention long enough to allow Grimes to move behind the vehicle. She saw Ghost stick his head around the side of the vehicle to check on her.

"Grimes! Get Johnny and get out of here." He yelled at her as bullets were fired again. 

"I'm not leaving you and Will." She yelled at him as he looked at her with fear. This was a dangerous situation to be in, and not one for arguing. Soap landed next to her on the ground with a pained look. 

"Fuck!" Grimes yelled as she knew Ghost was right. She pushed off the wet dirt road, keeping low as she grabbed Soap's arms. Ghost and Will stood up to give them covering fire. Grimes helped him up and pushed him over the concert barriers to their right and down a hill. Grimes launched over it after him while turning around and firing her pistol at the men shooting down at them. She managed to take out one before standing up and running to Soap.

"Come on," She growled as she took his arm over her shoulder and helped him to his feet.

"Fuck." He whimpered deeply in pain as they rushed into the dense woods. 

"Come on; we gotta get to the city. We can meet up with Ghost and Will there." Grimes helped the heavy man to walk. "And Jesus Christ, Soap. How heavy can you be?" She chuckled as they walked through the wet woods. Grimes began to feel the adrenaline fading away, and with every step, she could feel a sharp pain in her side. She didn't bother to look as she tried to help Soap walk. Giving him time to regain his strength. 

"What about you? You good?" Soap asked her, concerned. 

"I'll be fine; let's focus on you. Shall we?" Grimes spoke as she bit her lip. Her pain grew ever so with every step. But she steadied her breathing and controlled herself. 

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