Chapter Thirteen

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"Grimes, someone is outside. They want to see you." Soap called as he entered the gym. Grimes stopped her jog and slipped off the treadmill before turning to look at Soap.

"Who is it?" She asked as she wrapped a towel around her shoulders. It had been two days since her head wound, and she was almost back to her whole self.

"Dono never got a name." He shrugged as he held the door open for Grimes to exit the gym, followed by him.

"Jesus Christ," Grimes muttered as they left the main doors of the building. The sun was high as it was just past midday, and the heat was intense.

"Sister, you have attracted much attention from the elders." A man's voice called out as Grimes squinted in the bright sunlight. But even then, she recognized the familiar voice.

"Fuckin' hell, Will. The fuck you doin' out here?" Grimes spoke as her eyes began to adjust to the bright light.

"Well, the elders sent me to return you," Will explained with a smirk. If Grimes learned anything about this man's personality was that that smirk meant trouble.

"And are you?" She asked him; she could feel Soap tense up at her side. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his hand move to cover the pistol on his leg.

"Fuck no, what you're doing sounds like fun." Will laughed deeply. "and I want in!"

"Nothing has changed with you, has it?"

"Absolutely not," He said with a devilish smile. "Besides, you know how much I hate talking with the elders."

"You are literally their spokesman." Grimes hit back at him as the three turned to the rec room.

"That's why! All I hear is them moaning and complaining that things aren't going their way." Will rolled his eyes.

"Will, this is Soap." Grimes introduced the two as they walked into the large room.

"Ah, the infamous Soap of task force 141." Will smiled at him and extended a hand, "Grimes has spoken a lot about you,"

"She has?" Soap asked with a smirk as he turned to look at her.

"She wouldn't shut up about 141 when she brought her back." Will laughed deeply as they finished shaking hands.

"Where are the others?" Will asked curiously and wanted to meet the infamous team finally.

"Captain Price and Gaz are in Spain right now," Grimes explained just as Ghost walked into the room from the same door they had just entered.

"And this, if you can't already tell, is Ghost." Grimes smiled at him. His eyes took in her appearance quickly. She was wearing tight-fitting black trousers and her black combat boots. An olive green string shirt to help her cope with ever-growing heat, the top was fairly low cut, showing a lot of her collar down to her chest. It was this moment Ghost had never been more thankful for his mask as his eyes snapped over to the new man standing in the room.

"Ghost, this is Will." Grimes smiled at Ghost and then at Will. "He helped train me back at the creed."

"That must have been a task." Soap chuckled jokingly.

"Oh, you have no idea," Will said, laughing at the memories.

"Screw you." Grimes smiled back at them as she crossed her arms under her chest. Ghost noticed this as it pushed her chest slightly higher. He ripped his gaze away before walking to the vending machine and paying for water.

"Ghost, any word on Price and Gaz?" Soap asked as he pulled out the bottle of water.

"They are on an island off the coast of Spain. Should hear from them shortly." Ghost nodded and held the cold water in his hand as he moved to leave the rec room. Grimes moved to follow him as he left.

"Ghost!" She called after him, and she jogged to catch him. He stopped to turn around to look at her as she caught up to him. "I wanted to say thank you."

"For what?" Ghost asked her, confused.

"For pulling me out of the truck, helping me with my wound on the helicopter, and then getting me to my room." She smiled softly at him as he sighed gently. His eyes were soft as they watched her.

"No need; we are a team." Ghost told her, though while it was partly true. He wasn't going to leave her again. He couldn't; he would never be able to leave her in any way again. His mind wouldn't take it.

"Hopefully, this will be over soon." She spoke, pulling him from his thoughts as he nodded, agreeing. The sooner, the better, then they could all relax. Ghost was about to say something when his phone went off. He pulled out the small basic phone and looked at the name.

"Laswell, Price and Gaz must have found something." He said as he picked up the call and listened to her speak. He muttered a few words before hanging up the phone.

"We have orders; meet in the rec room in 10." Ghost called down the comms as he looked to Grimes with a nod.

"I'll go get changed," She nodded before taking off in a jog to her room to change. She quickly rinsed herself off in the sink as she didn't have time for a shower before changing into her combat trousers and jacket and strapping her belt and daggers to herself. Once she had everything, Grimes made her way back to the rec room where everyone had just arrived, including Will.

He had pulled his hood down, and his mask was off. He wore a jacket similar to Grimes, but his was a deep red with no belt. Instead, his insignia was on his forearm where his hidden blades were.

"Price and Gaz didn't find a missile, but Laswell has a theory the El Sin Nombre knows where they are." Ghost started talking as everyone listened in. "She wants to get to Sin Nombre and get the information we need."

"And how do we do that?" Grimes asked as Alejandro stepped forward.

"I can help with that. But we need to move," he said as they all nodded. With very few words, they all made their way to vehicles and followed Alejandro.

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