Chapter Thirty-One

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"Alex!" Rudy called out to the young man who was walking up to the cars they had just stepped out of. "You alright?" 

"Si, why?" Alex asked, confused at their frantic looks. Ghost and Will made their way to the safe house first. "Everything okay?" 

"Where is Grimes?" Soap asked him.

"Inside." Alex told them, "She sent me outside to check the perimeter." 

"She sent him out because she knew." Soap told Rudy as they turned and joined Ghost and Will towards the house.

"Grimes!" Ghost yelled as they burst into the safe house. Grimes stood in the middle of the main room. Her back was to the as she held a dagger in her right hand. Blood dripped down her hand, down the dagger and off the tip. A small pool of blood collected underneath, showing them she hadn't moved in a while. Soap, Rudy and Alex moved around the room with their rifles up, scanning around to find any enemies. Will and Ghost slowly walked over to Grimes. Ghost walked up cautiously before reaching out. He placed a hand gently onto hers to take the dagger. 

"Grimes," He whispered gently to her. Grimes moved quickly, too quickly for Ghost to react. Grimes turned around as she pulled her hand from Ghosts. She spun around in a circle, ready to lodge the dagger into Ghost's neck. Will stepped up and hooked his arm around her elbow to stop her assault. He moved behind her and clamped his other arm under hers to pin her against him. 

"Grimes, snap out of it," Will said as she struggled against him. "It's us; you're safe." 

"Ghost?" Grimes muttered as she stopped struggling against Will. Grimes's eyes began to search around frantically. "Alex?" 

"Safe," Ghost told her as he reached up and took the dagger out of her hand. "You kept him safe." 

"Where is Luca?" Will asked her as he gently loosened his grip on her. 

"Gone," She muttered as Will's arms moved from her underarms. 

"What happened?" Soap asked as Grimes looked everywhere but Ghost. 

"He's wounded badly," Grimes told them; that was all she said. Almost like she was refusing to say anymore. 

"You're bleeding." Ghost said as he reached out to her right arm. There was a large slice in her clothing, and her skin had a deep gash oozing blood into her jacket. She backed away from him like he was toxic. 

"Don't fucking touch me." She spat at him, throwing him eyes that could murder. He knew why, and he knew he deserved it, but it didn't stop the hurt. He was thankful for the mask to hide the pain that would have been clear across his face. He knew he hurt her; that was their first kiss. That should have been a special moment for them. But he also knew that was the only way to keep her there. He thought he was keeping her safe, but instead, Graves was a step ahead and knew she would be left due to her injury.

"Let's get back to Price," Grimes muttered as she turned and walked out of the building, followed by Will.

"Grimes, I need to look at your arm," Will spoke to her as they jumped into the cars.

"You can do it in the car," Grimes told him as he jumped into the back seat next to her. Ghost and Soap got in the front with Ghost driving. The drive was quiet on the way back to base. Will stitched up Grimes's arm while Ghost did nothing but stare at her in the rearview every chance he got. Grimes was busy looking out the window as they drove. Her mind was stuck on the fight she had just had with Luca. 

"Who is Luca?" Soap piped up as they neared the base. 

"Luca was an assassin." Will started, "He and I were the ones who found Grimes when she was shot." Will explained as he wrapped a bandage around her arm. "He's hated Grimes since she put him on his ass half-dead." 

"What happened to him?" Soap continued to ask.

"We don't know. He went on a mission and never returned. Next thing we know, he killed two  assassins tracking a high-value target." Will explained.

"We had received word from them, so I was sent to check up," Grimes explained as she thought back to the moment, she walked into the building they were last noted to be in. "How could anyone do what he did to his brothers? I swore to them I would make him regret what he did." 

"Betrayal is a hard pill to take." Soap said as his eyes also looked at Ghost. He knew what Ghost had been through. He would know better than anyone the pain of betrayal. 

"We're here." Ghost called out as he pulled the car to a stop. Price and the others stood next to the plane, waiting to take them.

"We're heading to Chicago. Hassan and the Third missile are there." Price explained to them as they walked over. Price looked to Grimes, whose face held a blank stare. "you good?"

"Solid." Was all she said to him as he looked at her arm before looking at Will, who nodded to agree with her. 

"Alright, let's get going." Price nodded before they turned to Alejandro. 

"Keep fighting the good fight, Hermano." Soap said, saying his goodbyes. 

"To the bitter end, my brother," Alejandro answered him back. 

"Hermana, Esta familia le da la bienvenida siempre que lo necesite." (This family welcomes you whenever you need it.) Alejandro told her as she nodded with a small smile before turning and walking into the plane. 

"Ghost!" Alejandro called out. "No te pierdas, hermano." Ghost responded with one Spanish word pumping his fist in the air. Alejandro chuckled as they watched the plane close its cargo door. 

"Grimes seems off." Rudy noticed as they turned to the vehicles. 

"She has a lot of demons coming back to haunt her. I can't imagine what is going on in her mind." Alejandro explained to Rudy as they entered their vehicles. "She will fight and win. But she has to do it her way." 

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