Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Graves will have this place locked down," Rodolfo began as they unpacked the vehicle with bags carrying extra weapons. Grimes had taken some medication she had brought with her to help with the pain from her now stitched wound. 

"Expect patrols on the outside." Ghost continued,

"No doubt." Soap said as he took the last bag. 

"He knows we will be coming." Grimes spoke as she fixed her rifle to her body, "While we have the element of surprise, they will be on high alert for us." 

"Agreed, we geared up?" Ghost asked, looking at the group. They decided it would be best for Grimes not to carry a bag so as not to take any more energy from her them necessary. 

"Guns, ammo and charges in the pack." Soap nodded as he made sure the bag was on securely too. 

"I've got the plummet-gun, Ascenders?" Rodolfo asked as he jumped down from the vehicle to grab his bag.

"Check," everyone muttered, confirming they had theirs.

"Let's hope Alejandro is alive." Soap muttered as they began their walk towards the prison. 

"Count on it," Rodolfo told him with complete confidence.

" Trust me, Alejandro is not easy to get rid of," Grimes told him as she tapped his shoulder before walking ahead.

"On me," Ghost said as they all cocked their weapons for ready. Soap and Rodolfo talked about how he and Alejandro knew each other as they made their way up a small pathway. It only took less than a minute before the prison walls appeared. 

"Hold up, eyes on the prison," Grimes called for them to halt.

"Patrols on the outside." Ghost said. Grimes aimed down her thermal scope to look around.

"We'll have to take them out to get in," Rodolfo spoke to ensure everyone was on the same page.

"Two snipers, first tower. Soap, one right, I've got left." Grimes spoke as she aimed up her rifle and took in a breath. She fired the first round, followed quickly by Soap, taking down the two snipers silently.

"Shadows down." Soap confirmed that they were both down.

"Good shots, amigos." Rodolfo smirked.

"I'll flank around, and we'll clear the field." Ghost instructed, "Ruddy, give us a hand." Ghost said as they walked and climbed up a steep slope to their left-hand side. Just then, what sounded like a heli began to grow louder. 

"Got a heli incoming; looks like a supply drop." Ghost called out over the radio. They all ducked down to stay hidden from sight. 

"Eyes on six shadows." Soap called out quietly.

"Affirm, Three at the vehicle, two behind the rocks and one solo on the right." Ghost confirmed the sighting from his high point. 

"Take the two out at the vehicle first; the others won't see,"  Ruddy called out,

"Good call, Soap drop the one in the cap." Ghost called out as Soap lined up to take the shot. Ghost gave him a countdown before they both fired simultaneously, dropping them. 

"Solid, Two down. On the move." Ghost confirmed, "Take the two on the right side. I've got the one on the other side. Grimes, you get the solo." Ghost called down the radio. Grimes had already made her way over to the shadow and was currently about two feet away from him.

"Go."Ghost called on the radio as two shots sounded, taking down three. Grimes stood up behind the man and extended her hidden blade. She reached up and covered his mouth and nose with her left hand to stop him from making a noise and dropped her blade under his armour and into his torso before violently pulling his head to the left with the hand covering his mouth, snapping his neck. He dropped to the ground motionless.

"Clear," Grimes called down the mic as she turned and made her way to the others next to the vehicle.

"All clear; push up to the base of the tower."Ghost called out, "That's our entry point. Stay quiet." Ghost reminded them. Once they all made it, Grimes covered Ghost while his weapon was trained at the tower above them, just in case. 

"Let's get up there." Ghost spoke. His voice was too deep to whisper properly, so it sounded raspy. Ruddy pulled out a large gun and aimed it at the tower before firing. A large rope was shot up with an Anker on the end of it. Latching onto the tower, creating their get-in.

"Good hook!" Ghost called as he made his way over to the rope. 

"Take point, Lieutenant. Grimes you next, Soap cover him." Ruddy spoke as they all did as the instructions asked. Ghost was up quickly, followed by Grimes and then Soap and Ruddy. Once they were all up, they did a quick nod check before Ghost led the way.

"Let's get to the security room. Stay close." Ghost called as they made their way down the inside of the tower. 

"Security building is straight ahead. CCTVs inside, "Ruddy called out over the comms as they quickly rushed over and out of the open area. Not wanting to get caught. 

"Move fast and stay low," Grimes called out as they entered a building

"Two inside. Let's take them out before they call their amigos." Ruddy said as he appeared behind them; they stacked up the door, ready to enter. 

"Let's get in there," Ghost nodded readily with his weapon. Grimes was in front of him, who was just behind Ruddy. With Soap on the other side of the door.

"On you, Soap," Ruddy called, signalling he was ready to enter. Soap reached forward and pushed open the door. He kept low as he walked into the room and shot both the men inside. 

"Clear!" He called as the rest of them rushed in. Ruddy began to explain the next steps to the plan, how they would locate his men using the CCTV system and where Alejandro was as Grimes watched the door. 

"Grimes, take the charges." Ghost said as he unzipped his back to pull out a smaller daysack and handed it to her. 

"You sure you're good for this?" Ghost asked her as he pulled on the dark camo daysack with a nod. 

"Ghost, this is what I do." She smirked at him before walking back to the door. "Watch the cameras and enjoy the show."

"Stay frosty." Soap told her as she nodded to him before disappearing out of the room. Ghost then took guard while Soap and Ruddy watched the CCTV.

Grimes moved up, pushed open the gate in front of her, and silently walked through the shadows. This was where she was comfortable in the shadows stalking her prey. The men were about to see exactly what an assassin could do.

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