Chapter Twenty-One

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Grimes took out several more Shadows on their way to the church. The last couple she took out confiscated their weapons—two automatic rifles, unsuppressed. 

"We need to be careful; only use them as a last resort," Grimes told Soap as they walked up to a railing. She looked down at the water flowing under the tunnels below. Soap stood next to her, looking down as well.

"Time for a swim?" He asked as Grimes nodded as moved to jump over the railing. 

"Hope you brought your armbands." She joked with him as he followed her down. They both resurface quickly and begin to swim under the tunnels with the flow of the water.

"Ghost, we are in the tunnels." Soap called out on the comms as they controlled their moving in the water. 

"The Church Plaza is on the other end of the tunnel." Ghost told him as Grimes lifted her hand out the water to signal there was an enemy up ahead. They moved up, and the water became shallow enough to walk in. 

"Shadows wearing body armour up ahead," Grimes said as she spotted two. 

"You'll have to get in close, find the gaps," Will told them.

"Soap, use the water as cover, pop up and strike; you take the one on the right," Grimes told him as she gently ducked up under the water and disappeared, barely leaving a ripple. Soap followed suit, swimming over to the Shadow on the right-hand side. 

They both popped out of the water simultaneously and drove daggers into the Shadow's necks, taking them down into the water, where they met their ends. Soap looked at Grimes on the other side of the tunnel and nodded before walking forward. When Grimes heard another shadow moving towards she sank under again, swimming up to him. She popped out in front of him this time and drove her blade into his neck three times. 

"Clear, moving," Grimes called to Soap as he moved to walk just behind her. 

"How's your wound?" Soap asked her, cautious that she was still severely wounded. Even if she showed no signs of it, she must feel it. 

"Bleeding," She said before grabbing a dagger and sending it flying into the back of a shadow's neck, just below the helmet. 

"We gotta stop and," Soap began only to be cut off by Grimes.

"Time is not our friend right now. We stop; we're dead." She told him before moving to a set of stairs.

"We keep going, and you'll bleed out." Soap countered back as they walked up the stairs, holding their rifles out and ready. 

"I'll take my chances." She muttered as they reached the top, scanning around for Shadows.

"She's right, Johnny." Ghost called over the comms, "We need to get out of here.

"You got eyes on the church?" Will asked them as Soap and Grimes began to walk towards the large church. 

"Aye," Soap confirmed the sighting.

"Good, you're on the right track. Keep Comin', "Ghost told them as they walked up to barbed fencing, blocking the area off.

"Ghost, Will, Areas blacked off," Grimes grumbled as she looked around to find another way,

"Try cut through the shops." Ghost told them as they looked around; Soap spotted a white vehicle parked against a gate with an open door on the other side.

"Think I found a way through!" Soap called as Grimes rushed over to his location, and they jumped up on the car before launching over the gate.

"Be careful; the Shadows are everywhere," Will spoke as they walked into a small shop and towards the door that would take them out to the plaza.

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